@t('-'t).............................The Unpronounceable: i agree, that's the only solution. guns for everyone. especially kids.
@t('-'t).............................The Unpronounceable: i agree, that's the only solution. guns for everyone. especially kids.
@john268: great, now google images is returning THESE pictures under that search, as well as screengrabs from total recall.
@isights: the israelis know what they're doing, yeah. part of it is because they actually have terrorists there, and have had to deal with them for 50 years or so. like, every day, not just once or twice a decade. the threat is much more real, yet their whole response is different: if it disrupts their lives, changes…
@Jezuz: ymmv.
@Jezuz: text-pad: ~$30, tiny, and can really on be used with thumbs.
improved voice is nice, but i'd rather it just not drop me or my friends from the party randomly.
@sanctusmortis: you should see the bnet forums. it's nonstop whining. about everything. at like, a billion threads a day.
@brunorotermund1993: pretty much every photographer uses photoshop in some capacity. i do almost nothing to my images, and they still all go through photoshop.
@CaffineFreakUs: win.
@arachnophilia: wow, it parses out the greater than sign. fail.
black foam gobo white foam diffuser.
@meteora3255: and rank means... nothing either.
@sanctusmortis: the exploit is getting the credits for completing a challenge, and then disconnecting before the game finishes so bnet doesn't see the challenge complete. and then doing it again. and again.
@dkl415: i'm just saying, there's a lot of ways "aliens" could have gone wrong — like making the same movie over again, and calling it "alien 2". it really only worked because it was a completely different movie that logically extended the first — it added new content. and you almost never see sequels that do that.
@thursdaynext_27: at this point, the idea of anyone playing ripley is just plain wrong. seriously, let the character die.
@dkl415: sequel: unnecessary. "alien" should never have had a sequel. it's just a fluke of moviemaking history that they made a sequel so completely different that it became a classic. but they definitely shouldn't have made a third. and when that was uninspired and a mess of re-writes, they should have taken the…
@hercules_100_98: i would hope so. prequels that make the originals senseless are dumb. *coughcoughstarwars*
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: alien 3 is actually surprisingly decent if you watch the director's cut.
i thought this game was almost as dead as duke nukem for... OH WAIT.
@craiglloyd: get the WIRED 360 controllers. they cost less, don't use batteries, and plug right in without the need for adapters or wireless connectors