
The problem is that those who are given life in prison are often exonerated and let out later in life. If you exonerate a dead person, you can’t give them their life back.

I appreciate it!

I’ve never heard that example before. You have a good point. However there is a difference in the case of abortion. When aborting, you are taking action to end the baby’s life. When you choose not to donate blood, you are simply allowing the person to come to harm through inaction. But you may have made a pro-choicer.

Because of my family’s financial circumstances I am running Windows XP, which Chrome no longer supports. It may be that my older version of Chrome does not support the site. Version 49.0.2623.112 m ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH

Beautiful em-dashes!

I think you forgot the most important part: ‘most of the time.’

People who call other commenters “fuck face” for having a different opinion about a TV show performance are trolls. They are probably also 12 years old — at least mentally — as well, but they are definitely trolls. And what’s the rule about replying to trolls, eh?

all data and activity linked to Iranian citizens

With 25 years of experience, had you started at the age of 18 that would put you at 43 years old. Your e-peen stroking is extremely juvenile and irritating for such a supposedly well established and professional adult such as yourself. How about you cite some specific examples of how Asus has failed to meet your

Now playing

Well, here is Louis Rossman, a guy who repairs Macbooks at the component level for a living explaining exactly what some of the build quality issued are. In great detail. His channel is pretty great.

Hilarious. One would think that 25 years in the IT sector would equip a technician (or whatever you might claim to be) with the knowledge that: 1) in certain applications, Mac is an extremely shitty choice (really, it is); 2) the notion that ASUS is not known for build quality/design is extremely outdated, and that

I think you’re confusing Asus with Acer.

The Zenbook 3 gets called a Macbook clone but the Transformer 3 Pro is only refered to as reminiscent of the Surface. The wording needs to be switched for comparison sake. It screams Surface clone, while the Zenbook just looks like a ultra portable laptop.

I have over 25 years in the IT sector. Asus have never been known for build quality. I have a macbook pro and have purchased well over 50 in the last 5 years.

You looked at a single picture and based your entire $1000+ purchase off that? o.0 Or are you here to just troll?

Hmm, Asus crapbook with Windows 10 or a new Macbook. I think I’ll go with the Macbook thanks.

What is with all the extra ads on mobile? 5 sec unskippable before I can get to Kotaku, ad banners on video, ads above and below and and the really weird ones under the comments.

If you expect to make me feel bad for the lives of vicious murderers just because some third world backwards-ass country which violates human rights also happens to execute vicious murderers, all I have to say is

sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/[USB] bs=1M

“Obviously if you crank the compression up you start throwing lower and lower frequencies out, too—and that’s when things can start to look a little blocky, as the color variations between the sub-blocks become more apparent.”