
According the The Wall Street Journal, US long haul truck drivers are limited to just 11 hours of driving per day, and are required to rest for a consecutive 10 hours each night. We can only assume that bus drivers are similarly regulated, especially since they carry people.

It seems that you think I am talking about muggers or some other form of methodical crime. I’m not talking about the ‘give me the money’ guy. I understand that they will almost certainly back away when faced with a firearm. I’m talking about someone who’s trying to knife you without provocation or cause. If someone is

Let’s play ‘spot the prescriptivist!’

No. There’s a comment above with a picture. One-bladed turbines actually use a counterweight.

You don’t want big wide holes into a bomb shelter.

He’s saying run, but if the attacker catches you, fight with all of your might to protect your vitals.

He’s saying that the kind of people who are trying to knife you are crazy, drugged, or in some other bad situation where they may not be thinking straight. In these states, they are unlikely to run when faced with a gun.

Warning: reformatting can leave behind the malware. There is a portion of the disk reserved for persistent files between reformats. Don’t use any USB stick you just find. It’s not worth it.

Dual 2.4 A? Awesome!

Dual 2.4 A? Awesome!

twenty words in two minutes? Easy. Is this really the type of thing people are trying to achieve.

You shouldn’t be scared. That’s how it’s supposed to be done. Source: pilot friend.

I wouldn’t call it “ornate.” Gold leaf doilies are “ornate.” These cars are just designed with detail.

It does. Apple Pay is basically one step. Maybe a second or two. The POS and signature machines are slow and glitchy. Signing on them is not fun.

They already have to do that. That’s where processing errors happen. This is why Intel can’t develop chips as fast as they’d like. They have to account for these quantum effects.

Why couldn’t this massive leap happen in the SSD industry? :(

Why would we grow hearts that are larger than our normal hearts?

I don’t get the joke.

The sheer number of problems with this reply...

Flexible phones are not the future. There is no reason to have a flexible phone other than to roll it up to tuck it someplace. I personally never have trouble finding a place for my smartphone and quite like it being rigid, thank you.

You wouldn’t be rich. They’d just pay you an adjusted amount.