
Personally, I thought it was awesome that the Army fans got to storm the field today after their win. I mean, they had better get used to storming fields with President Trump.

Good to see our Army finally find an exit strategy after a 14 year straight years of losing. #MissionAccomplished

“The hardest part about being an NBA player is usually his dick when he’s assaulting a woman...” - full quote, probably

In this case, “this” was a black police officer shooting an armed person who threatened the police officer. At least that is what the video evidence is claimed to show. Perhaps “this” that should stop is the rush to judgement - based on obviously b.s. claims by family of criminals.

No this bullshit looting, and rioting, hidden behind protest needs to stop.

If you riot you need to be shot.

Gonna be funny when it turns out he thought this was a surefire way to get cut from the woeful Niners and ended up unintentionally turning himself into a social activist.

“Crap, I guess I have to start giving a ton of money to charity now. Didn’t think that through.”

Getting two extra bases because someone doesn’t know what’s going on is called “The Stanford Swimmer.”

Can’t wait for his college lecture series: “guys, it’s not worth it. If you’re going to rape an unconscious girl, make sure you take her into a room with a good solid lock on it. Out back next to the dumpster is JUST TOO RISKY. Even if you can swim real fast.”

