This would mean a whole lot more if he wasn’t already rich as shit and for all intents and purposes retired. Sigh.
This would mean a whole lot more if he wasn’t already rich as shit and for all intents and purposes retired. Sigh.
I like him—cuteness aside, he always seems down to Earth and ... like he still knows how to be regular and enjoy it. Like ... someone you could chill with and eat cheap, greasy pizza on a Tuesday, even now. And he’d be the same guy he was when he was just some “basic drummer,” with a struggling band and a day-job.…
Dave Grohl is from the DMV and pays homage and due respect to all Black artistry including GO-GO. I disagree with your header as he has always been about the music of our folks with humility and reverence. Always. Idk where the privilege was presented especially since he publicly and privately gave Tony Thompson his fl…
He seems like a thoroughly good guy who is now a thoroughly good Dad. Good guy that no one has a bad word to say that is also could do worse.
I’m guessing Pelosi thinks that the label of “bipartisan” will give this committee some added authority, but like, who gives a shit? Who’s interested in an investigation into what happened that’s also thinking, “I won’t trust the results if the committee isn’t bipartisan.” We know WTF we saw.
I was wondering WTF Pelosi was thinking when Democrats passed their own bill for a committee and STILL put 5 Republican spots on it to be filled by the GOP, and then I saw that Pelosi has final sign-off, so now I get why the Republicans all voted no.
“So what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?”
The emotion in Gen. MIlley’s voice was palpable. You could tell what he really wanted to do was leap across that table and wipe the floor with these asshats. On the one hand its good these cockroaches are being exposed by the light but it’s also so depressing to see just so many of them.
Dear Fascist Bastards Florida Republicans,
Q: Did you read the article?
That monologue’s great. It’s a small detail, but I love how he makes a point of not villainising the guy who caused the accident and acknowledges that he was just an overworked guy who made a mistake with terrible consequences. It adds a nice depth to his character, especially concerning his prejudice towards robots.
Alright, first of all: Stop cussin’. You’re not good at it.
I’m with you on the monologue part... every time.
When I first saw it, I hated it in a whirl of self-righteous betrayal that exactly and shamefully fits the current state of fandom: how dare they turn one of sci-fi’s great universes into a small-world run & gun actioner? How very dare they waste the “find one non-laws-compliant robot among a thousand identical…
Even saying the movie was “suggested by” Asimov’s book is stretching it, but I, Robot is a pretty fun sci-fi blockbuster that’s actually reasonably intelligent. It’s no overlooked classic, but it’s a fine way to spend a couple of hours.
She was certainly the toughest of the four of them. But, yeah - I thought that was a strange mention given that Drew wasn’t married and Kate wasn’t some poor put-upon subordinate.
The risk isn’t going to skyrocket, but that fact is in spite of these dipshits. The majority of the population being vaccinated will do what the distancing and masking had been doing.
If antivaxxers could just spontaneously evaporate, like a dipshit Rapture, I’d be cool with it.
I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by how many right wing people there are looking for any excuse to commit murder, but I am. This wasn’t premeditated, this was a right winger who found their opportunity to murder in the moment and took it. This is something that they were hoping would happen.