
I think it’s pretty important that states be able to establish guidelines for teachers. For example, mandating that biology classes teach the theory of evolution and that they not teach creationism/“intelligent design. But I agree that this seems different, since the legislature seems to be demanding that teachers

I didn’t know about sundown towns until Lovecraft country, that is how fuck up white lies and bullshit is still trying to hide the truth.

“Now, kids, instead of learning something called ‘Critical Race Theory,’ today’s lesson is ‘Our State Lawmakers Are Racist And Horrible.’”

This is the goal - the more of our shame they can bury, the easier it’ll be to implement openly racist agendas. The Republican Party will stop at nothing to undo civil rights - hell, I’d even go as far as to say that they hope to someday reinstate slavery (they’ve already effectively succeeded at reinstating Jim Crow

Or even see what any student knows about Jim Crow. I grew up in New England (in a small mostly white town) and knew about slavery and racism and the Civil Rights movement and that’s pretty much all we were taught. The words Jim Crow were not mentioned. If you decided to do a paper in social studies on a topic having

“I notice you werent saying this article shouldnt exist BEFORE we wrote it!” isnt the Big Brain sentiment you think it is.

We’re blaming people for given birth names and relatives now.

So the thing is, I used to read ZeroHedge, which is a blog written by some sort of financial professional. This was over a decade ago during the financial crisis, when I was angry and looking for explanations as to WTF was going on. Once things started to resolve, I lost interest.

How do you as an organization specifically formed for the purposes of pursuing the agenda of white supremacy, publish a statement denouncing the same with a straight face. This is like Wells Fargo denouncing profit.

Did you notice how 95% of the comments on the original article, from a group of people who are always ready to jump on white people nonsense (and white people have no shortage of nonsense), were all “no, this really isn’t a big deal”? And still we have this article.

I use to wonder the same thing about Hitler then Trump came along and I got watch it happen in person. The answer I think is real basic. The vast majority of Trump people; that’s what they look like. Pudgy, pasty, white people who are dumb as bricks. They look at this dude who is just as or even more mediocre than

Unfortunately, his followers see strength and intelligence as opposite sides of a spectrum, as opposed to the latter being the source of the former.

every time I see a moderately high res picture of him it still blows my mind—how can ~40% of the population see everything that I see in that picture—the small pale hands, glowing orange foundation, bad combover, ill-fitting suits, tubby body, etc.—and think that that projects or exemplifies strength, leadership,

We’re missing a great opportunity to make Trump’s idiot followers start wearing their pants backwards to own the libs.

The memes and tweets were hilarious BUT not as hilarious as imagining Trump’s rage at being made fun of for his ass-backward pants and not being taken SEriOUsLy. You know it was like:

The memo cites Chauvin’s lack of previous criminal history, his previous work as a police officer

“ending him”

“Rival Stings B-level Influencer with Spilt Tea (and Honey)”

Imagine I worked at an aid charity for five years except I was embezzling money from day 1. I’m caught and convicted and walk into court and request probation citing my history of having worked at aid agency for 5 years.  The sheer caucasity!

Surprised you didn’t put the puns in the title.