
@mithriltim: A Sanford and Son anime sounds pretty awesome, i can just see them throwing in demons, or space age robot girls (or evil ghosts), i might watch that.

The right pen and a good sharpened pencil can make a pretty awesome launcher. I used to do this all the time in school, take apart the pen, see what else you could make with the parts.

@Kleppy: Good point, i think i can be bothered to just cut my own and mount it myself if it means saving 100 bucks.

The easiest answer is because you all are gross. I look at some of the people who come into gamespot, and yes, a good amount of you seem to be normal everyday people with a grasp of hygiene, then i see the stereotype guy who comes in with an old stained tshirt and weighs 300 lbs, he has come to trade in his old

Am i the only one left who doesnt feel empathy for his food? This is your food, this is the price you pay for being the dominant species. All that technological advancement, society, culture, its because we killed and ate everything else to get here.

@aurispector: Turkey Bacon? its not anywhere near as good, but it is vaguely reminiscent of actual bacon.

Hes right about the movies though, of course, there are still a few great ones, but every year it seems like theres more and more that just absolutely suck. (maybe im just getting old?)

The chart you linked to is still wrong, just like everyone reported back when the chart was first posted, not a single entrant on the chart actually gets all its info right, if you want to know why its wrong, just spend a few minutes looking at the comments on the linked article. Theres tons of #corrections all over

This chart is still wrong about almost every player, and now they're linking to the chart (which is wrong) from other articles. (if you read the comments you'll find out why, its been posted way too many times all the many ways this chart is wrong)

@DrFunke: They're really really hoping that this time the fad makes it all the way to near holodeck levels, but its not going to, its just the 80s all over again, horrible clunky technology that is a gimmick at best. Maybe next time we'll have the technology to make it not suck.

@dissolved: Are we sure it goes bad? I've had like 7 year old coke and it still tasted pretty okay, it was canned though.

They had a very similar bottle for the world cup, only the label was done up like a soccer ball.

@Bender: I think flips are probably only damaging with incomplete packaging, which i think is pretty common ordering online really, my last hard drive came in and the only protection was 2 cheap wedges and an anti-static bag.

@Bhazor: That depends, are they suddenly able to produce ovum? Otherwise they are an it, personal preference will never trump science.

@Bender: I wouldn't go with USPS, the reason it has that many flips is because the package sorting process consists of a guy who throws the package into one of a myriad of different large bins (have you ever seen a prison laundry hamper in the movies? the ones on wheels, its just like those) to determine which package

@Kleppy: Ah, i do remember when noone had even coined the term terabyte, next one is petabyte isn't it? I wonder how long til ill start seeing those become commonplace. I never would have guessed those little thumb drives would evolve into the huge thing solid state memory is getting to be. I don't think it ever

@Kleppy: Yeah, but even now, liquid cooling hasn't advanced much beyond a niche market. Its slightly more popular than it was back in the day, but still nothing major. I don't think we'll ever really see a mainstream (something made for business/educational systems and the like) pc with liquid cooling, i dont think

Man, i thought that was a car engine when i first saw it, i dont really think i need my computer to be that well cooled... I think i'd rather just wait for technology to improve.

@jlaudio27: Dont know if you were being saracastic (seems probable), but i think its same sex required for both parties comfort.

@captainlogic001: Exactly, well, that does seem to be how it has worked in the past at least. Anyone important just gets waved through.