
@Piccoroz: Man, i wish i could grow all that, i moved to canada, and of course, i can barely grow a thing. Good luck with the palm tree.

@shellcase: Im seconding that, it seems much more likely that its easily correlated just because neither of the graphs is adjusted for population.

@Piccoroz: Ooh, avocados? We're impressed, i hear those are difficult to grow, what kind of temparate zone are you in?

@FrankN.Stein: That is probably the cutest spider i've ever seen, that said, its still a horrible soulless biological machine whose only intent is to see me dead, just like my cats :D.

@corpore-metal: I have that problem too, the backings, they actually dont use nickel too often anymore but, almost always it seems, the buttons on the side to change the time and any others are nickel.

@BadJoJo: *sigh* at least its better than vista?

Now for the kicker, if you become a fan of one, you can't become a fan of any others! you have to choose!

@ITCC: Its still amazing regardless, and even if you cant bond it at a thickness of more than one atom, there are still a lot of uses. It still does everything it says, you're just never going to find much made exclusively of graphene.

@Zim: You know marketing always has to have symmetry, how can there be an analog stick there! its not symmetrical!

@Zcorpion: Ah damn, i think you're right, well, i guess they're back to being evil again.

To everyone saying they're ripping off simcity, they arent ripping off simcity, they're ripping off a game called CityLife which in turn ripped off simcity (and made it more horrible, they will take city life and make it more horrible in turn), its like a double negative, so really, they're the good guys now.

@Norseness: Im not really worried about it, if you're stupid enough to give out real info or send text to random companies from your cellphone, then, well, you are bound to learn eventually.

@Kim Bo: Haha, i went immediately to that, bouba just seems like a sharper name.

Wow, zombie diesel, that is the best thing that could ever possibly come of this.

@LVP: Thats what i was thinking too, so beautiful in its simplicity.

@Sprzout: Yeah, it is based on the Loon, because their picture is on the Loonie, and of course the lesser known, but equally important Toon is on the Toonie.

@MrGOH: This entire thread is made of awesome, thanks for the entertaining read.

@Sprzout: They are, but the names are stupid, especially toonies :/.