
I think you forgot that the US isn't an island. It is easy to overlook considering how the map is depicted, but theres also quite a lot of population density at the mexican and canadian borders, even if you discount the great lakes.

The reason i didn't use my ouya was the store though, seriously, theres enough app stores out there. Anyone who has an ouya and doesn't use it, check xda-developers, install the google play store, its an amazing improvement. The only problem with the ouya is the store, its a good concept for a store, but we've all

Activation lock is easy to get around even without resorting to any kind of hacks or tricks. Call apple tech support, explain the situation, provide absolutely any proof at all that you are the rightful owner of the ipad/iphone (they asked for a receipt when i called, but i didn't have, they eventually accepted a

Thats the same thing i was thinking, honestly i'd probably pay extra just for nostalgia (My WRT54G still works, but too out of date, loved that router) probably, but i think my limit would be 150, and i doubt it will hit that anytime soon.

Anyone have a name for this girl? Google image search not giving me anything i know how to make into words :(.

I honestly thought litestep was a dead project until i checked today, the websites that used to be dedicated to it are all pretty sparse and seem pretty abandoned. The official site according to wikipedia,, seems like it was just setup yesterday, mostly its just 'lorum ipsum dolor sit amet' on the main

If you're wondering, pretty much every one of these animals is available in a similar form within pokemon :D.

I used to deliver mail for the post office, if i could bold and underline this, i would, caps are unfortunatley my only formatting. YOUR PARCEL HAS BEEN DROPPED (probably several times on its way to delivery). Speed is the key concern in shipping packages, because even if your package is dropped, 90% of the time it

If they're shopping at gamestop by choice already, we know they're open to getting screwed by the stores they frequent, why not add more avenues to screw them with.

I bought a DS just for pokemon, its pretty common, they dont make a lot of REALLY good games anymore (a few, but not many), and for casual timewasters, ill just use my phone. You should see how much handheld console sales go up everytime a new pokemon game is released, its HUGE.

@Donald McGhee: Well, ill chime in to say 'nice post' instead of posting stupid crap about war/alcohol statistics, wtf guys?

@CerealBizness: So, if we allude back to the original analogy, its okay to change your own oil, but you cant help someone else change theirs?

@verditsgerman: seconded, if only we werent too lazy to change sites.

Not minifig scale = I am not impressed :/.

They don't even need to hack the log really, even with the old DS, flashcarts have been pretending to be legit games for a long time, ive had one that told the DS it was fishville, and another that said it was Johnny Phantom.

@Rolfmaomachizlin: The new design is horrible, they're trying too hard to look like old media (newspapers), which are dying, so i dont really get it :/.

@bob_d: We can transmute iron into gold, its just ridiculously expensive, so why bother?

@CaptainFabulous: You hit the nail on the head, and apprently he was looking to buy some gold on the cheap.

@AreWeThereYeti: They don't really care about their articles being correct anymore, the articles up, 90% of the time, thats how it stays.