
@rick23: They do this the lazy way where i work here in toronto (canadian money in random colors). They don't actually even reprint the bill, they just do things like dying the 5 dollar bill 10 dollar purple, then try to rush through it so you dont notice.

@vel0city: Ive been living in canada for awhile, you really get used to it pretty fast, you just have to actually use the coins, then you should theoretically never have more than 4. (or 2 in my case since, canada has 2 dollar coins as well)

@Platypus Man: Technically, i believe its illegal to deface currency. (not just vandalism, pretty sure theres a specific law)

@Incoherent: Im pretty sure people have done that, also, i think its a felony...

@Jules Winfield: Why thank you, hey, you doing anything friday night? *wink wink*

@gigarath: Where did anyone say you were like republicans? In fact,

@Ssscorpion: Hong Kong = China, it is maybe the freest in

@Anonymoose: I'm very sensitive about my face ;_;.

@mal.entropy: Hahaha, and if you did share it with someone, all it takes is the first person to go thru my 3 steps, and we're back to 'theres no such thing as time machines, stop asking :(, hey, hows the coffee?'.

@maythetechbewithyou: Haha... i would like to be, but its not feasible as of yet. Unfortunately, you've got to treat it like a race for the best chance of the best outcome, and libertarians aren't big enough yet. A vote for a libertarian candidate most likely won't be a vote put towards stopping the random

Wow, ive never heard that until now, even him just touching the bag was loud. I think sunchips are gross regardless, so i guess im not the target market either way.

@BionicCommando1: There are a few possible batmans, bruce actually isnt batman right now (he died, then spent some time travelling through... time), its dick grayson, plus all the other robins are out there too along with what seems like an ever increasing amount of batgirls. Eventually they'll get bored of this and

Unless you invent it yourself, you'll never see a time machine. Consider this, you have invented a time machine, what is your motivation for sharing this invention with the world? Suddenly absolutely anything you want is within your reach, and the downsides of sharing your invention are many.

@ilan354: haha, exactly what i was going to say.

@maythetechbewithyou: It doesn't matter what they say/do, are you republican or are you democrat? A good amount of the states will vote that way no matter who you put on the ballot.

Wow! 60 dollars US is 60 dollars US now! time to go on a shopping spree :D.

G4, they're still around? wow, im amazed this didn't happen sooner. Trying to appeal to a market that can get all their info faster and easier online, on top of that, they were boring and they all seem like theyd be horrible people in real life (no clue if they actually are, it just seems like it). I can count on

@TCMcQueen: hahaha, that was a good one... we are total assholes arent we...

@Kudakerushi: probably because.... he belongs to the sex that produces small mobile gametes, called spermatazoa that are able to fuse with a larger female gamete or 'ovum'.