
@TheFirstBardo: Nah, ive been to baltimore :P. You may be right, on top of that, its winter right now, everyone hates toronto in winter.

@matthewsucks: I think they're part of the random grab bag lego minifigs, you can get one of 12 out of the bag, but the ones theyve released in other countries all had matched up upc codes, so it was easy to get what you want (theres also an ancient spartan coming out, so ya know, spartans vs. zombies!).

@SkipErnst: If you leave silly string on certain surfaces (like some unfortunate cars) for more than a few hours it will actually stain it as whatever color the silly string is, its basically never ever coming off (we learned this at my dads wedding, there are spots that are still oddly discolored 6 years later).

@Loi-B: I believe george9807 was trying to imply that this map is the landmark, and therefore if there was an arrow pointing to it, it would be off the map (or infinitely recursive), and therefore we wouldn't be able to see it? Thats my guess at least.

@TheFirstBardo: If its tied with toronto, ill pass, i live there, most of it is miserable.

Like everyone else seems to be, im baffled by how you're supposed to get into this nice little spot without getting soaking wet.

I see that someone else has gotten stuck in the 2leep timewaster.

I'd think woz would have something even cooler like this one: []

@omgwtflolbbqbye: That was a preair anyways, not necessarily the final cut, i saw it lurking there too, but managed to resist.

@SoulSilverIV: I think you may have convinced me to pick one up for christmas, ive got a dsi too, but that does look really nice being just a little bigger.

Minecraft is truly an awesome world-building program, this has the potential to become an even more amazing mmo.

@SoulSilverIV: Ah, ya know in all this time, ive never actually seen a good picture of the dsi xl until now, hmm, that looks nice.

@verziehenone: The free to play thing still makes me want to avoid, but as for the browser-based part, those are getting better and better, as long as its not java... its probably a pretty good bet that it could be good.

@Roger Skrzynski: One of the big things we always see with the republican party is favoritism towards those who are already rich as opposed to those who are less fortunate. Have you ever once seen your party do anything for the working class? I can think of a few things, but not that many in my lifetime. Now, think

Selling or Receiving Stolen Trade Secrets, ooh, i haven't heard that one before, nice.

@Roger Skrzynski: "Republicans want everyone to be equal, as in the equal opportunity to become successful or poor." They certainly dont act like it.

LCD eReader, there is a reason we didnt have many ereaders until e-ink came out. The apps could be nice, but without the official android market, probably not as nice, i guess we'll see if it manages to do anything useful.

@ithyphallus, 13382: Its a prototype, lets hope it gets added, still seems cool that they're using android, could get interesting.

@tselliot: Your idea sounds pretty depressing though, who among us hasnt had a time where we went wrong and needed some help, what if they didnt have a good samaritan in their lives to help them out. What if say, your parents died before you managed to make enough money to take care of yourself? Unfortunately,

@Jonn: Ah, yeah, if you do travel a lot, a cellphone doesn't make much sense. And, i have a DSi, sometimes i do miss my gba games.