
@Vondruke: Im thinking you meant aesthetic, although that is a difference between the 2, wurm does have a religious system (which is... kinda okay, maybe).

@p3hrmne: thirded, it seems to just randomly generate cars that have similar models nearby and throw them.

@Vondruke: You'd think so, but then you just get Wurm, which is an... okay game... but it doesn't compare.

I'm likin that yellow e-tracer thing, thats pretty nice.

@Fossa: That picture is amazing.

Judging by the text, it seems like the title of this article is wrong.

Flickr runs yahoo too? I had no idea...

@corpore-metal: Wouldn't take much, add a half decent targeting system, and they're effective.

@ObiHaiv: Statistically, Men are more likely to be involved in fatal messy car accidents, whereas women are more likely to be involved in minor accidents.

Am i the only one who remembers something about this being planned to cost $99 way back when it was first announced? Wow, they really went over that estimate.

@OMG! CarbonatedFalcon: Thats true, the xbox is the only platform i can think of that not only implements backwards compatibility, but actually improves the previous gens games.

@ChaoZ: Sometimes its nice to just leave the burden of choice with the content providers, im pretty lazy sometimes.

@Feyhra: I always wonder if with that small amount of DNA, they could slowly replicate a full-fledged neanderthal. I know they're doing the same thing with the aurochs (ancient cattle), and its kind of odd to consider, but i think it would be very interesting.

@This is not the commentor you were looking for...: Well, its ethically difficult i think because the easiest way to modify the genetic code of a person is to do so very early in its development cycle, i.e. embryo, which is before they really have a chance to voluntarily submit.

@ThisCharmingMan: They still make good money, just not as good as they used to.

@NickFoote: Brand new last season, it is pretty badass, eh?

If you can ignore most of the dialogue in 2012, it has quite possibly the coolest chase scene ever. Can you outrun the world? BWAHAHA, but, yeah, i didnt even remember there being a scientific explanation for the whole thing, i kinda zoned out both before and after the awesome chase scene.