
Caprica is a really interesting show concept, but its just not very good :/, i really want it to be, but its just not. The characters are boring, and 90% of them i dont really care if they die or not, and the locations are all so drab and dull.

BRAAAAHMMMM needs to somehow be a new meme.

@Koztah: Yeah, i really hate the rounded fog of war too, the hexed version is so nifty.

@Hyperion45: Hey, dont forget the vast forests, when you're trying to decorate your presidential mansion, you'll wish you'd had that canadian lumber.

@trunkenmath: But, then, just about everything is government provided, so hey.

@Bubbleman!: The actual DSes Flash/SD slot isn't used for piracy, the r4 device is a device that basically converts an NDS cartridge into a flash drive. Its an NDS cartridge with a microsd slot on the side, and its own mini-os to load games from its own personal microsd card.

@Dexomega: We are man, we cannot read the manual :/.

@CosbyTheKinky: I find it odd that achievement points are a selling point now.

Now, i just need something to keep the birds out of my squirrel feeder.

@Nivenus: I think its more likely you'd curve just because of the fact that you aren't a perfect sphere, way before you had to worry about the coriolis effect. I remember physics where we did that all the time, my professor always used to say things like, 'just to make things easier, we're going to make this horse a

Anyone remember that guy who smelted iron in his microwave to build a toaster? Any talk of microwaves reminds me of this, still very badass.

I love how they threw in an xbox 360 just cuz, and, wow, there really should be like a person standing next to that for scale, goddamn that thing is huge.

@RicketyCricket: I've seen that show somewhere, but cant place it.

@Sabbatai: I can't wait for the day that someone rises to their defense, right now we're just giving the bully our lunch money every day.

@quadraphonic: Seconded, how many developers have you heard complain about how piracy, now how many publishers have you heard complain about piracy.

@Adham94: I'm very curious as to how other people pirating games causes you problems, its not like they had such great prices before they had to worry about piracy, and firmware update aren't often enough that they would be a major pain, and i dont see how else it could affect you.

@deadrebel: Yeah, thats true, the discs are invulnerable (well, very nearly, i rolled over one with my chair, and its pretty busted), but the lenses of the actual drive are still just as likely to break.