
@Mike Fahey: There are daily science posts? Huh, i never noticed until now. I was really hoping an alpha centauri tie in was coming.

@JaseDH: The American Dream :D.

@meehawl: Wow, that site is one of the most idiotic i have ever seen.

@HK-47: I've always wondered what if it does have an outside, just not in the 3 dimensions we can observe. I always liked the idea of a 4th spatial dimension.

Okay, i dunno if anyone else has noticed this... Hes been in the business 28 years according to the quote, yet hes 38, so does that mean he started when he was 10 years old?

@NotSure2010: Not all of these items are made from petroleum, some are made from other fossil fuels. For one glycerin, is actually made from biodiesel. Cortisone? i have no idea on that one, but im very interested in how that could possibly be produced from petroleum. It seems like this list is very vague and will

I'm still waiting for a Megalodon to wash up on a shore somewhere, theres got to be at least one out there somewhere.

@Evdor: We need to make this happen, show the squidlords that we are not to be messed with.

@Christopher_T: Didn't he used to have some crazy magic writstwatch or something? or was that a different guy?


@Insecur1tyGuard: I would definitely pay 500 bucks extra so i could throw things at my TV, thats good value right there. Someone on TV pissing you off, throw the remote at em!

Wouldn't it be cheaper to build on an already proven transportation system? How about a monorail system?, considering all the extra considerations that have to go into this new design, that seems cheaper on all fronts.

@anonpwny: Yeah, my dad and a few of his friends did the same thing, most times it ended up looking pretty good. Its not hard to build a pool.

This would be the most awesome vacation neighborhood ever.

I was very interested in trying this out, but Silverlight is worthless... and i dont think i want it on my computer... I mean flash is not great, but why do they have to make their own thing thats even worse.

@Zelda did it!: I don't see how WoW would ever completely go down, worst case scenario they would just keep merging servers until there was only one left, and, it costs barely anything to run a wow private server, i can't imagine that would scale up to any horrible degree (would assume it would be more cost effective

Best part, even in the future, Sniper still gets to wear his nifty aussie hat.

@n_gamer: Its the same in canada... no matter what the flavor, someone will be pretty sure they can market it as a potato chip.

@Jerkface: That was the most badass commercial of my childhood, hands down.

I always knew Medieval Spawn was too cool to be lumped together with the rest of the Spawns. He was always the only one who didn't feel like just an excuse to sell more toys (he still is an excuse to sell toys, but not JUST an excuse). I guess now i know why.