
@Duc: But, people aren't smart enough to unlock their own privacy settings, as evidenced by the fact that 100 million weren't smart enough to lock down their own privacy settings.

@—Core—: Know how you feel, think thats pretty common.

@Tastynoodles: Man, everything used that one graphic back in pokemon red, i think half the fully evolved pokemon had the same sprite.

@ParryLost: Well, i'd like to submit my vote for a unified unit of brightness now. That does seem to point to candela as the winner though, looking at linked articles, it also seems like candela takes into accounts both watts and lumens... maybe.

Am i the only one who couldn't stop staring at the actor playing carrol ferris' top? How in the world is that outfit holding anything in at all...

@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: Wtf is wrong with that guys bulge? Is she sticking her other hand down there or something?

@W10002: She makes wonder-woman look really bad.

@mmoss: They had a storyline recently where everyone turned into the hulk. Hulked-out Heroes i think it was called, we had hulkpool, spider-hulk, hulk-thor, wolverine-hulk, was pretty to cool to see the art for it.

@ParryLost: I thought lumens was the measurement for brightness?

So, what... the ultra tiny writing on my cell phone chips is now going to say 'sourced from congo'? Noone ever looks at those, i mean if this just applies to parts, we're never going to see it, unless they start importing the plastic shells from congo i guess...

@Soniking: I dunno, sometimes i kinda hate cashiers, ill take the machine.

Wait... so it charges my batteries by splitting hydrogen and oxygen with electricity, and then using the hydrogen to charge? Isn't this just an unnecessary extra step in the process, cant i just plug my battery charger into the wall and skip the 500 dollar middle man?

@LordObento: Ah, i thought that was just me, its just so horrible -_-.

@Aquifel: Nvm, read the descriptions, they all sound bad.

All except the traveler sound pretty boring :/. Starborn is just a replacement for Captain Marvel, and Soldier Zero just sounds so horrible ...

Thank god, i hate 3D. I wear glasses, so putting on the extra 3d part is always a pain, and when i do, i always get headaches.

This actually seems boring... unless they throw in something extra that wasn't in the previous 2 iterations (hot date, and the other one), it really doesnt hold up when compared to ambitions/world adventures. I have no idea what that could be though... but parties alone, i dont think is worth it.

@pixelsnader: I dunno man... i'm right-handed, and i dont have a girlfriend... that could get a bit dangerous.