
Its too bad, because he looks kind of awesome in that suit. And, he looks like much less of a douchebag. I suddenly kinda want to buy apple.

@Lord_Data: When you look at it, positronic sounds a hell of a lot more complicated than photonic.

@Modus_Operandi: @Ueziel: You both have points, which are both valid. Nintendo should be doing a better job promoting these games, since they arent promoting them at all, in competing systems, we at least know in advance when titles will come out, these days, nothing sells well without a little advance notice (and,

@wrightr: Its one of the things i love about japan, they can take things that here are adult and morally objectionable, and then market it to kids and make billions.

@Goldwings: But, then, squirtle wont have STAB (same-type attack bonus), so im still putting money on bulbasaur.

@staticlinejumper: Yeah, ive noticed that one gets a pretty good reaction too.

@Iis4island: Can't we just replace them with... something similar... Cmon, we have to have learned enough to do that by now... grr, when do we get to fuck around with the ecosystem without worrying about all the consequences.

@FlameWolf: Unfortunately, we're such an awesome food source that for a mosquito who didn't bite humans to outcompete the other mosquitos would be a very difficult task.

@truthtellah: As i understand it, it is still technically molten, just not as mobile due to pressure. As far as i know, molten only means its so hot that it has changed into a liquid.

@JesusDeSaad: Im still waiting for the day when we can affordably load it into a rocket and shoot it into the sun.

@McBeese: These are the same guys who say you cant sing Happy Birthday without paying them for the priviledge, private parties, they seem to believe, are also under their purview.

@DaCapin: That would be pretty awesome, and im sure they could fit antonio banderas in there somewhere, although he was the least interesting character in that story.

@Writingirl: As someone who suffers from mild OCD it irks me to no end that although the handwriting is almost perfectly straight, its written at that angle. Yeah, my girlfriend likes the smell too, its really pretty nice.

@Ryodestined: Money Saved = Money Earned. People who buy the arcade version i doubt really care about anything they could put on it (or are buying it as a gift, and have little technical knowledge) so, even a small hard drive, probably wouldn't drive up the appeal much for who they're marketing it for.

@Gemini-Phoenix: Lego is publicly anti-violence/warfare so i doubt they'd go resident evil or street fighter unless they thought they could make a TON of money with it (like they did with star wars).

@Superfluous Ninja: Spongebob is already done. It had some nifty pieces, but noone really bought it.

@Aiwass23: The only issue i have is how hard it is to RMA them. After trying to send back a drive under warranty for almost half a year (then, the warranty ran out), i decided i would never buy a seagate drive again. First you have to find a seashell (their specific plastic hard drive packaging, now i believe you

@develin: I don't really understand how thats the other way around. That seems to be either unrelated or an opinion not exactly the same but along the same vein as the one i had. Maybe you could flesh it out a bit more?