
@Ryan_Long: Your car wasnt a public service either. They CAN do whatever they want, they could all take a crap in a box and sell it for 500 bucks if they wanted to, noone here has ever argued that it was somehow impossible or illegal. The only thing we argue is that its a shitty thing to leave out because jobs has

@gizgizgiz: So you have found websites that failed because of lack of flash?

I guess its true, all old fashions come back eventually... i just finally got rid of all my ribbon cables.

@gizgizgiz: I am saying that they should support at the very least all languages that the average user would encounter on an average day, of which flash is probably the most prevalent, i challenge you to surf around for more than an hour without finding something in flash. If you've read this comment, you've already

@Ryan_Long: But, the fact is, youd have to add quite a bit to your car to make it break the sound barrier. The iphone already has everything it needs to support flash, it just doesnt. We aren't being robbed, we're being treated like children. I dont care what they think is best for me, its my job to choose what is

@CoffinDodger (If the typos crap. Blame my keyboard): I need deadpool in this form... damn it, ill pay whatever yo want. Really wish i could have got the punisher one before it sold out. Holy shit, they're 170$? This is why i never buy these things... id pay double that for a deadpool though.

This piece is both very well done, and absolutely horrible.

@Walking Eye!: That time is cyclical theory seems pretty popular with Sci-fi writers, so who knows, maybe they were thinking it would just come back around.

@Lonesharkx: Avatar is way too over-inflated, everyone was saying that when it first came out, but now already, mostly its forgotten about.

@gizgizgiz: They are telling us what we cant do. Apple claims that jailbreaking is illegal, and even when you do jailbreak, it only goes so far, it doesnt magically let you use unsupported coding languages. You're still limited to things programmed in whatever programming languages apple allows on their device.

@sqlfanatic: Hacking proof videos have to be horrible, its a rule, if its too pretty, everyone calls photoshop.

@ebelp: The fact is, flash could easily work on the iphone, so i want it on my iphone. I didn't pay this much for steve jobs to tell me what i can and cant have.

@ThisCharmingMan: How would they charge you extra for it, if they included it in the box?

@orionx3000: grr, no idea how to get replies to work for more than one person at a time, but truly, you are a man of genius.

@AOClaus: You can never have too much Star Trek :(, i demand an all TNG channel, all picard, all the time.

@sans_fi: I think i might watch that...

I would be happy if they just played TNG more, honestly why do we need new ones. Seriously, can you think of anyone as badass as picard to play the captain? And, with the trends that seem apparent in TV nowadays, it would have to be someone young and super-pretty, how about now?

@PunkyChipsAhoy: They were knocking them out pretty fast comparatively after GTA3 though. Maybe we'll get another, was it a trilogy? for GTAIV.

@S0LR: Now we can laugh at either dotgif or rooster teeth, i dont remember if they were horrible last week, but certainly pretty bland this week.

@vinod1978: Seems like hes got the whole thing manicured though or, maybe she, who knows.