
@mac_daddy: According to google, rice allergy is more common in eastern asia and japan. But, yeah, ive never actually met any one with that one either.

@Heratiki: Yeah, me too, knight rider limo means im in.

@VeeEiyghtComador: Yeah, i dont really understand why you need that many tanks myself, it doesnt seem like you're at major risk for a ground incursion.

@infmom: I was feeding my cats premium food for the longest time. But, lately ive been going with the supermarket off-brand, since then my cats have seemed a lot healthier, and me and my wife both noticed within a few days of the change how much nicer their fur feels. Although, this is only representative of the

@AmphetamineCrown: Its true, i've tried the same thing, and the smell really builds up.

@MetalBeerSolid: Sony is way to into itself, i cant bring myself to buy a PS3. Its like going out with that really stuck up rich girl, sure it sounds good, but once you get it, you probably arent gonna enjoy it.

@Giggers: And, some people dont take time out to really appreciate the important things in life :/. It didn't take that long for most, a friend of mine went to meet him too.

@Boter: Ah, another person with the utili-key, how awesome are those things. And, to think way back when i bought it, i thought it was a ripoff for 20 bucks.

@Gavin W: Its not hard to do a better job, the problem is that a better job costs more money. Better job is easy, theres tons of expensive solutions (that BP probably could afford, but if its more expensive than the lawsuits, why should they bother). They're just going thru all the cheapest solutions they can come

I had a terrifying dream about these just last night...

@justvisiting: I remember an alternate universe where all superheroes had reversed genders, they had a Wonder Man. And, you know, he would look pretty good in the costume. Ah, yeah, here we go:

You have beaten me finally... I shall now go out and buy an xbox 360 (right after this new one comes).

@swenson: I know how you feel, i will assume it was awesome and that i was completely floored and swayed to your side, i think the problem is we're both just interpreting the rules of the contest differently anwyays.

@Pumhart_von_Steyr: I agree completely, as long as its available to everyone, i think it could be a great future for the human race. Imagine if we didn't have to worry about genetic disorders, mental disability. If we were lucky, wouldn't even require regular upkeep, genetic engineering for a generation or two, and

@swenson: Yeah, but we use those things in our storytelling, if this was for a comic, maybe it'd be different, because you cant just give someone no physical attributes if you have to draw them, but as i understand the article, its supposed to be a written text-only story. If a character has red hair, thats going to

@iwhat: You're right, they took the things we suggested on their uservoice page from the original wdtv, and surprise launged the wdtv live with a lot of them, and now surprise they've launched the wdtv live plus with what people wanted in the wdtv live.

@Spaceknight: I think even Will Wright said his creations were more toys than games.

@SigmundTheSeaMonster: She started acting in genres besides scifi. And, she still is, most of them are kind of very far away from her star trek audience, like boston legal, shark, leverage.

@Nethlem: It just means your MUD isnt very popular :P.