
@TheFirstBardo: Ive done that before, we hunters realize that we are much less important than the cleric :/.

@comics0026: Those charging mice are tough ones alright.

So... you want them to be disabled, but you don't want their disability to have any impact on the story? Then, why bother mentioning that they're disabled at all? Putting detail into a character, then not taking advantage of any of that detail seems kind of odd to me.

Sometimes i think they're on to us, and just drawing lots to see who kills themselves. Hey guys, i want a bigger raise, if one of us kills ourselves those westerners will throw us all even more money.

@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: Not everyone cares enough to learn the native alphabet, they don't want to be there the rest of their lives, they just want to do their job for a bit longer and then go home and never think about it again.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: I hate you :(, you made my boss have higher expectations for me. You're lucky, you're one of the few, i dont know of anyone with fond memories of the customers they had to serve from when they were working in service, with the exception of maybe 5% at most of their customers.

@Manly McBeeferton: Steal has been given a new definition since the digital age. The original word more precisely means to illegally take an object from one person to another therefore depriving him of that object, the sin wasnt in the taking, but the harm you were doing the other person who was taken from, which

@Seanasaurus: You've never bought something from someone just because they were pretty? Im willing to pay a bit more for attractive visuals. I could go to the gas station and get some coffee for 1.50 or i could go to starbucks and get served basically the same coffee (lets be honest) by the sexy barista for a little

@PunkyChipsAhoy: If you ever buy anything anywhere, anyone working there is paid to like you, very few workers who have to deal with people actually want to smile and make small talk with customers.

@GiR: Man, Stardock always gets everything right... its not fair. Gimme something to not like about them :/.

I think we can all agree that Cardboard Boxcar is the standout of this competition. Some of the others were greatly done, but i dont think anything else draws quite as much attention.

@Grosolan: Not exactly funny, but kinda cool to watch.

@Foxhack: In case any of you were wondering, even though its not here, GU comics still sucked this week.

@Gyaruson 2.0: I'd say he'd be okay with it, theft in olden times meant someone would actually have to lose something, nowadays it can mean whatever the companies want it to mean.

@Killer Toilet: Yeah, they can, we can do it on purpose on the Wii and Nintendo DS. PS3 is still a little too locked for anyone to really try to, but im sure its possible on it too, dunno about the xbox 360, but even a light breeze can bust one of those.

*sigh* I'm in canada, no comedy central streaming. National fail :/.

@battra92: blasphemy :O, nothing beats Heinz. I was raised on Heinz, so when i think of ketchup, thats what i want, ive tried a lot of other brands, and nothing quite tastes the same, Hunts is probably a close second for me though.

@Moar_pr0nz: Really, chinaman is politically incorrect? Looking at the article for 'Chinese People' seems to produce a lot of info, but nothing directly applicable. Calling someone just a 'Chinese' makes me feel like im insulting them though for some reason, like i just haven't bothered to learn their proper term.

@RoBorg: They do this regardless, its just how things work in china, its not a problem with the gold farming business, its a problem with china. How do you feel about how you got the clothing on your back, your computer. your cellphone, hell, even your food? I'd bet you money it was made in about the same

@bean: I find its less work buying the gold than it is learning how to properly utilize the AH.