a quiet storm take 2

It's definitely extreme weight loss. She looks like an elf now. Her legs turned into toothpicks over the summer. 

this ep was ok, I do like Driver’s commitment. also no mention that Please Don’t Destroy didn’t have a short film this time. I’ve gotten so used to them having a short these past 2 years that this ep felt so incomplete without them.

I love Emma Stone on SNL, but let’s be honest —- her episode last week was bad. Adam Driver really committed to the sketches and did a great job with the material he had, but the cold open was atrocious and didn’t garner many laughs from the studio audience. Rumor is that Cecily Strong was going to make an appears as

Adam Driver is a wonderful host, but I am begging SNL to stop doing political cold opens. They haven’t been good since Tina Fey was doing Sarah Palin. They aren’t even good impressions anymore. They’re just dire, especially since this focused on a congressional showboating hearing most people didn’t follow.

I just want to say that you are kind of unfair to the writers at times vis a vis the social media thing. I see you comment a lot like “well they were a month late on the month old social media gag”. I mean... they are either going to be first and go viral or practice the dancing gag for a month with Julia Styles and

If you are a Monk fan, this show is just about perfect. It’s surprisingly dark, but it pays off well in the end.

You missed one big one ..the Doctor who ....Last Tennent  episode

What a waste of an Oscar-winning actress. A real missed opportunity not to have done the Billie Jean King sketch during Stone’s hosting gig.

I have no doubt that that starfucker Lorne Michaels has yukked it up with Kissinger at a cocktail party or two.

He was just a pretty face to me until I saw his performance in Enchanted. And I liked him in Dead to Me, on Netflix.

My only hesitation has been hype/expectation. It was easy to hop aboard the Rez Dogs train because it wasn’t being talked up. Whereas Atlanta had a lot of buzz, particularly around Glover. And I’m the rare internet nerd with a penchant for TV who doesn’t much care for Community. (A similar thing happened with Broad

The closest show I can compare Rez Dogs to is Atlanta. Both are willing to take surrealist flights of fancy, both have a similar vibe while still being very different shows, and both have an absolutely stellar principal cast. If you like one, the other is well worth checking out.

At least Rhea Sehorn got nominated.


Yeah, I have to say — the acting was really the draw for Black Bird and it gave the cast some captivating material in isolation but overall it wasn’t very good.

I’m disappointed there’s no recognition for Somebody Somewhere. :(

I’ve been on the Marsden bandwagon since Disturbing Behavior, and have never been able to figure out why he never popped more (I realize he got multiple high profile roles, but like, X-Men for example was a very, very thankless role so even those high profile projects weren’t exactly designed to launch him to

No you on to something here. The declaration “I’m real, look at my hat” vs what I now believe was Darius’s IRL troll to go to the gun range. Like, we don’t know why he’s a bit hesitant, but he knows what he’s getting into. And his point is valid even though it's not gonna work in that space he's in. 

So many clueless, bad-faith comments here. Just because someone is well-off financially doesn’t mean they can’t experience trauma. And I don’t think people know just how traumatic it would be to suddenly have your life become everyone else’s business; every outfit, sentence and action under intense scrutiny with no