a quiet storm take 2

Emmy noms tend to lag years behind in recognizing newer brilliant series. Speculation why Res Dog’s got snubbed, Reason 1: Long hours involved in making TV leaves Emmy voters scarce time to *watch* TV and gems get overlooked.. Result: Repeatedly, Emmy voters auto-select the same ‘known’, most visible TV series

Speaking of what kids know, may we establish a consensus on what Max and Josh knew about violence occurring in the Wright home before Perry died? By know, I speak broadly. Know, sensed, inferred, “ spidey sense detected “ on a child level that “so this is up”

Speakinf of unfairnwaa, After four SS2 episodes that overspent time on Mary Louise, DIY Detective” goings on, I realize it is Camille Dungey and the REAL Monterrey detective who lose most because Meryl Streep is on board. Time spent on character development or at least molding the Monterrey force into a more

Very glad to read your observation. The huddle Celeste and Madeline have to review M’s session illustrates friends should not share a therapist. I speak as a patient whose best friend in school happened to see the same university health care therapist. Jealousy and second guessing inevitably rises and distracts or

Agreed. Another example: Adam Scott allows his hand to tremble, subtle but visible I believe, when he learns about MMM fidelity. His tiny gestures to communicate Ed’s pain and,fragile state are poignant acting choices.

Nerd question: Anyone come across longer review essays which address the finale’s title “START”, acronym for “Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty” or essays that engage with or draw parallels to treaty themes?

I’m very very satisfied with the episode as is and how it is just core characters Stan, Philip, Paige, Elizabeth

Reviewing Elizabeth’s shocked, horrified, mournful facial expressions in the finale w/r/t leaving her children + that DREAM - I’m struck by how often The Americans engaged with the engaged with the theme of difficult mothers — mothers who do not know how or who refuse to be maternal — over the entire series.

I don’t want kids anyway.

I was struck by the absence of hugs, not even a hand squeeze.

thank you for this gothamist interview! i listen to the day’after slate podcast, but i prefer to access Rhys’ and Russell’s final thoughts un-mediated by a moderator right

Holly’s acting was commendable, yes. Sure, I’m pissed at Paige and complain her whore dig at her mother reflects her judgemental bones stuck around years after Pastor Tim left.

Holly Taylor otoh acted with a nuance and far more control over her breath, pitch, and lower voice register control. No, she wasn’t horrible

Tatiana’s an inspired choice if *she* volunteered herself or pursued this risky operation. I suspect Tatiana reckoned it was a way to shore up good will and restored faith from Centre .

Wasn’t Tatiana furious at Oleg weeks ago, when she updated him on her sad demotion bc Oleg ruined her operation? Tatiana’s death is 5

you’re so right about blocking of Elizabeth’s scenes this episode, and how they suggest the FBI already has her under surveillance. I suspected  Jackson went to the authorities <i>before </i> he met Elizabeth; he’d arranged to trap <i>her </i> by leading the FBI to their meeting.

I worried someone would get a bullet to the head or heart in at least 3 separate scenes. It’s comical now to recall that Elizabeth isn’t armed in any of the Jackson or Claudia scenes (not armed that we know of). She doesn’t discharage the weapon she does have. E


I assumed Marilyn became Elizabeth’s work-wife, iduring Philip’s absence . Maybe not. Question: To what extent might Elizabeth grieve or feel guilt over Marilyn’s death, if at al? Episode 7's writer Sarah Nolen was interviewed on Slate’s The Ameircans podcast. She discussed Marilyn’s death and Philip’s postmortem

Counterpoint — Henry saves his family. Henry is the wild card. Unlike Paige and Pastor Tim debacle, Henry has not yet had to decide a fate — life -or-death, freedom-or-prison — regarding his parents, his entire family, or even himself. To whom and to what does Henry pledge his allegiance? Basical family or everybody

*waves enthusiastic hello at a familiar username!*
I arrived at this recap circuitously — by way of my first attempt to comment on a TV recap at the AV Club in real time, post Knja switch. The Americans! Do you follow that series? My amount of TV recap engagement culture reads dropped 90% since last year. (I

*waves a passing hello* - from a long lost The Good Wife AV Club super-commenter, now self-exiled with the tide of the kinjapocalypse.

Remember when Elizabeth pre-empted Philip’s attempt to talk over Henry’s school predicamentn by snapping “Henry. That’s your department!”, and then she turned her back to Philip and went to sleep? Harsh.