How many EVs actually weigh 5000 lbs?
How many EVs actually weigh 5000 lbs?
Now to be science, can we do this test with a control?
If you cannot safely execute a pass on a two-lane road without exceeding the speed limit, you are not legally allowed to pass. A speed limit is a limit applied to the speed at which your vehicle can legally travel.
You mean that there’s only a range of height that’s safe for pedestrians and either direction mentioned doesn’t go up to infinity???
Relying on consumers to unilaterally “disarm” is never going to work. Need to regulate them out of existence or live with the consequences.
As gray and plastic as the dash is, I actually think those big padded cloth seats are the best thing about the car. I miss when even cheap crummy cars like this had soft comfy chairs.
Then build the grid up FFS. The grid is not a static thing. Immutable, unchangeable since the dawn of time until the end of time. JEBUS people would now bitch about the grid not ready for the rural electrification project or the grid not ready for the manhattan project. Sorry no war ending bomb the grid was not ready.…
I sort of blame Subaru for convincing normal people that they “need” AWD just to drive in the rain. Brilliant marketing though.
Spot on in so many ways.
Yeah. A lot of people have also seemingly forgotten what its like to have a president who acts like a normal person versus a batshit lunatic. They have forgotten how refreshing it was when Biden came in and did boring things- which felt so great after four years of nonsense before.
Median price would be more relevant to buyers.
I have the 2020 Kia Niro PHEV and have enjoyed it. We enjoyed it so much that when it came time to get another vehicle, we chose the 2020 Kia Niro EV. Obviously, the EV is more fun to drive and gets the most daily use, but we still take the PHEV for our road trips. Both are good cars with decent room. 100% would do it…
1. I was in the flight path of the Concorde leaving DC as a kid. They weren’t supposed to go sonic until over the Atlantic, but they did push the limit a bit but not the booms being really loud (just loud enough for my dad to notice), because they would wait until they were way up there before going sonic. One time it…
Afterburner (re-heat) only needed for take off and to punch through the transonic phase. Once up to supersonic cruise the afterburners were not needed, so in the cruise stage Concorde was surprisingly economical, but of course overall, not so good.
Think of the sonic boom like the wake created by a boat as it moves along a coastline. The wake is continuous, but the wave reaches any specific spot on the shore only once.
The Concord didn't need continuous afterburners. It only used them on takeoff and to reach super sonic. They were switched off during cruise. The TU-144 did however require them as it didn’t have the engine technology.
1. No, it’s usually just once or twice. It was as bad as people have said, especially if you were unfortunate enough to live underneath the route but they’ve made improvements since then.
2. It’d be more efficient but how much depends on the specific engines.
Concerning sustainability, that is still a tough nut to…
This isn’t going to go anywhere; just the latest supposed “disruption” in the air travel. People have been trying this “jet sharing” thing for years; suddenly these folks have overcome all the challenges in that market segment? Doubtful.
Funnier still, is how said trolls usually live in rural or non-urban areas and cannot fathom why a state with 40 million residents would need emission rules - especially when you look at any photograph of the skies over Los Angeles in the 1970s and 80s.
If they sold more efficient vehicles instead of giant tanks, maybe they wouldn’t have to force the allocations like this