
Hey this guy gets it.

Before I even clicked on the link, I thought “sentient pouch.”

Yeah. For all the talk you hear about “witch hunts,” you have to realize that celebrity culture is designed to give tremendous leeway to people who are, in all likelihood, titanic assholes with poor life decision skills.

I used to be with it, then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems weird and scary to me, and it’ll happen to you, too.

1. no
2. the warning in this case was the dev putting a chip on their shoulder to dare anyone into getting into a fight about it
3. “triggered” is a really tacky meme that undermines the lives of PTSD sufferers and abuse victims, please knock it off

Like his comments on comic book movies, this feels like the sour grapes of man who just realized he’s gone from being up front to catching up and possibly being left behind.

At least we know you’re on the record with Crash, The Artist, War Horse, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The Hours, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Prince of Tides are all “great” films.

Paraphrasing Roger Ebert, the Academy does not award the best movies, they award the movies that the Academy chooses to represent itself.

I still think that “armchair tourism” is the best bet for VR to take off for any kind of mainstream success. Let’s be honest most people don’t have an entire room of half a room to COMPLETELY clear of any and everything you WILL trip on by trying to walk around in the virtual/real world. And until a viable not crazy

Wow. Farewell, Katharine. You will be massively, massively missed. Live long and prosper!

At first I was like “NEVERRR!!!!”, but then I re-thought it... Mephisto gets SG’s cuteness, which is too abundant to be contained, so it takes over him, turning him so cute he looses all credibility in all dimensions and planes, thus he returns it to the one girl who can handle it. And he offers undoing “One More

The fuck is wrong with Dr. Strange? Did he never read Emerald Twilight?

I was legitimately surprised that they added an entire film’s worth of padding to Middle-Earth in filming The Hobbit and still couldn’t find five minutes for Tom Bombadil and Goldberry.

How is Forgotten Realms original fantasy?

i love the LOTR books and have read the trilogy at least 10 times but whnevr i get to one of Tom’s dittys, i just roll my eyes and turn a few pages to the last verse.

The Witcher books would be good, and an ideal fit for the politicking, morally grey fantasy hole that GoT finishing will leave.

Hi, I’m Tony Stark.

Big deal, I appear naked on The AV Club every day.