
I always had issues with this statement because it implies the porn can’t be emotionally engaging.

Two things: I don’t believe anything about production until after the movies is out these days. It could be that most of the stuff was shot be Howard, at the same time I heard similar things abiut Justice League and the Hobbit mess only for different stories to come out after the fact.

Silmarillion or GTFO. The Lord of the Rings movies already has the best version the epic in visual media plus we’ve been in the third age long enough. There a a ton of stories in the Silmarillion that are perfect for the small screen.

at the very least it doesn’t seem like it’s following the standard “cloning is evil” story Hollywood loves.

What even is Halloween cannon anymore? Laurie died in 4, then was not dead in H20, then died in Resurrection. Now she not dead again? Also wouldn’t Micheal be like in his late sixties now. Just let it go Hollywood, it’s over. Move on.

Money. If that hold that licence then just make a online store for EVERY GAME!! There is no reason not to. The cost of developing the software to make them play on modern console will trump the amount they make in people wanting to play them.

I’d say the Machete Order is still the best way with the Force Awakens following Jedi. Rogue one can go between Revenge of the Sith and a New Hope, but seeing as it wasn’t really meant to be a main line “Star Wars” movie, I think it could be put anywhere and not really effect the overall enjoyment of the films.

This suck. Has much as I don’t like MoS and BvS, it had some interesting ideas. But more then that I hate for anyone to experience what he and his family are going through. No matter what I think about the mans art, he doesn’t desevere for this to happen.

I’ve always hated this line of thinking when it came to Clark and Lois. His ejaculation wouldn’t have the ‘force of a gun shot’. He’s practiced enough to restrain himself from going all out in a fight, I’m sure he can do that during sex. And the fetus would need yellow sun to get super strength, which it would get a

1- Get over it. This isn’t a new thing and has been getting traction for years. Language changes. If you don’t like it. whatever, but its happening.

Supernatural had Wincest and Harry Potter had Twincest. Just ignore it, let them have their kink. just don’t do it IRL

I’m more willing to give this a shot if I read the major two at all. Atleast this will be a self contained story that won’t have any major effects of the mainline. This gives them both the freedom to take this to extremes that they couldn’t in canon and doesn’t wreck the core of who Dick Grayson is has a person.

no they aren’t. Beside that, many apps either are one of date or just aren’t on the platform. Plus this latest model is slow. Painfully Slow. I had three different models of the Fire and this one is easily the worse. Feel cheap too. Just spend an extra $60 for a better tablet.

no they aren’t. Beside that, many apps either are one of date or just aren’t on the platform. Plus this latest model

please let this be true

I remember that. And that’s the run where she had an Inferiority complex and was trying to become a “A-list hero”. It been some years since I read that but that first Poland the civil war tie in killed the character for me. I read a bit of the most recent Captain Marvel run and liked it but gave up when Secret War was

The sex bots demanded eqaul rights.

Ed cursed.

Blood is sweeter then she expected.

Giants seemed smaller then they were.

They missed the view from Earth.