
Despite what they said in the article, the issue isn’t that Light *specifically* had to be Asian. Yes, this is an Americanized version that takes place in Seattle instead of Japan, and therefore you can’t expect that everyone in it would be Asian. However, the movie cast almost every main character as white, despite

No worries. English is difficult even for native speakers sometimes.

It’s just a mediocre movie. Calling it “camp” gives it too much credit. It’s a watchable, forgettable, generic American movie. There would be no reason to talk about it if not for the source material.

I am baffled by the positivity in these comments and in this review. As someone who has watched all of Death Note, but never really fawned over it, I felt like taking liberties could have benefitted the story tremendously. I was all for major sweeping changes.

The summary is: dumb, naive teenager gets in way way way over his head in an attempt to impress a pretty girl who turns out to be sort of a psycho. Hijinks ensue.

What’s wrong with the Anime? Phrasing is a little weird. Are you saying that you liked the anime and liked that this tried to be its own identity? Or are you saying that the anime is terrible and its good that it isn’t the anime?