

Definitely a doctor error. They better cover their ass better next time.

You are literally a walking conspiracy theory. Nothing you just stated is based in fact or evidence, and much of it is taken completely out of context. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for

Well the important thing is you found a way to feel superior to both

Ok Shonda Rhimes has officially ran out of ideas for Gray’s Anatomy.

“Are the Jets aware...”

Then explain the extra “t,” pal.

Revis archipelago

We’ve seen Jets get roasted this badly before. The planned demolition of the W*redacted*

the AFC East’s three other fanbases to not really feel much of anything

the first amendment only applies to the government, not to private corporations. and your comment is right here for all to see, so...

Could not resist.

Didn’t we learn anything from Occupy Wall St?

Hey, I know you have a zit on your face, but here… Instead of using that Proactive shit, try this gun instead.

“It’s not a lack of judgement that leads Americans to vote for Trump”

The issues he raises are valid, health care, corruption, trade deficits etc.

Ahem, Kompressor

They call it an “electric turbocharger,” but I agree, “electric supercharger” would make more sense.

Or maybe we should just leave it at “electric compressor.”

The electric compressor is basically a 48-volt turbo that crams air into the cylinders when the engine is at low RPMS and the big exhaust-driven turbo isn’t cutting it.