
All true, but some of the actors are so compelling: Randall, Beth, and most of the kids.

Try watching every two or three weeks. It moves so slow & foreshadows/repeats so much it works better.

What a waste of Marla Gibbs! She should be a recurring character or a very very special guest star! It kind of highlighted the peculiar omission of relatives from Beth's family in the daily lives , long distance communication or even consciousness of Beth, Randall and the kids.
Showrunners gave Randall a Black

I just hope they'r not going to kill off Randall first(ie before William).

Turgid cliche pseudo pop psych dialogue by Miguel was bad enough—but then they had to play it out in sloooow motion. Every subplot in this episode had been done many times before and better—it was like a compendium of cliches, from the lame banter between Kevin & generic spunky blonde to GRandpa teaching chess. Even

AAA review!

Happily Issa Rae developed AWB into an HBO series that is also brilliant and heartbreaking: "Insecure". The outlet for self-espression/peptalks there is rap (alone in the bathroom & at an open mike but now you point it out—-yes. No wonder I love both shows. Women's point of view yet fairer to the male experience than

Are you grading my comment or the episode?

Tonight's Being Mary Jane was so satisfying in so many ways. Please review it!

And irl she's "happily married," isn't she?

Wishing you a full scale song and dance number in the musical style of your choice so you can boogie tap or vogue between stumbles.

Mrs. Bunch is obsessed with her own appearance and actively consciously attracting men. Of course she is going to compete with the daughter she disdains & belittles for the attention of her daughter's boyfriend! It feeds her own self-image while sticking it to her daughter. She craves the attention and she also

Tribalism is not ironic. Victimhood does not automatically imply empathy for others.

Which one?

From the Catholic point of view it's funny, but it's also funny from the lapsed Catholic, recovering Catholic, agnostic and atheist points of view.

Sometimes older folk are not as caught up in symbolism/optimism and/or are cynical enough about politics & politicians that the idea of an independently wealthy individual rather than a longtime slogger/career public servant is very appealing. Think of all the millionaires & billionaires who've been elected, from

Thanks! Been missing LaToya!

and Vanessa Williams(not to be confused with Vanessa E. Williams)

Jay Smooth did a great video on this years ago, arguing that you can and should call out an idea or action that is racist rather than calling the person racist.

Many did. Some are even calling for a peaceful "one state solution" if Palestinians can have full citizenship rights. Of course this has been the major fear of ultra-orthodox as well as some zionist Israeli & diaspora Jews, who have publicly bemoaned for years that the Palestinian birth rate would make Jews the