
Genevieve, I only watched it once with distractions, but wasn't a big deal made of the fact that the woman who was collared & chained yet still able to muster a "Good Luck" on command was the very recent abductee, not Peedra who'd been kidnapped five years before? Wasn't Peedra only seen by Sherlock in a video on the

Good writing & good acting. The character was so forthcoming, cooperative, controlled & unbitter that I was surprised she was not immediately suspected of aiding & abetting.

She knows the quotes but not always the context/significance/meaning—the joke was on her for her pretentious misuse.

He is goodnatured, trusting, straightforward , and always giving others the benefit of the doubt. He has never overcome his high school self-image(see his resentment of Santino for being smart, his admiration for Valencia for being a gogetter/careerwoman(yoga teacher) and his awe at Rebecca's vocabulary. He has

What a waste to pick a whitewashed NYC of all the locales for a non British episode. The Tardis' translation powers allow for a perfectly understandable adventure in Japan, Korea, Singapore, among myriad Asian locales with modern cities if he can only afford a couple of exterior shots. Or how about Costa Rica, or a

More that the producers/writers wanted us to see Allison being charmed by his "joke" as a sign that the controversial scene in his book and episode was not forcible nonconsensual sex—-if he'd raped her before, she wouldn't be laughing at his teasing her that he's now entitled to do it because they are technically

And real couples do do violence to each other, emotional & physical. Plus the writers/producers are invested in defending that scene in Noah's book and episode that viewers and the grad student felt was forcible nonconsensual sex by Noah upon Allison. Having her charmed & laughing when he jokes that she does not have

Yes, he did seem manic. Unusual for bipolar to show up so late in life, but in all versions his judgement, self-control and grasp on social realities don't seem any better than Allison's, which is why they made a perfect match.

Or more secure under stress.

Compared to the menus of other kosher restaurants? Other Kosher Mexican restaurants?

Now I always will bc you are obviously correct, but wish I could unknow this! Blais has never piqued my imagination in any respect. Not looking forward to this noseworm if I see him again in the show!

Actually that's exactly what it means! I would have won the event if I hadn't suffered a psychological failure(of focus, confidence, nerve or ____. If I hadn't choked, I would have won the (race, competition, job, or _____). She didn't win, I lost. I am the superior(runner, dancer, singer, speller, candidate for the

Succinct & convincing. Thanks Didn't even know there was a "Life After Top Chef."

No more reviews? It got better!

Yes, sad that so many commenters called him "likeable."

At one point in the final ep. Hannah was repeating how wonderful she was while a pair of hands were shown cooking eggs for her meal. If she ever did anything to feed herself or anyone else in the tribe, gather wood. clean up, tend to wounds or even give a massage, I missed it. and from the comments here, most viewers

Yes, especially when her infertile stepmother is Latina! Distracting!

Baby Joanie last season looked like Cole so that Scotty could notice & pressure Allison to tell Cole the truth. She deceived both Noah and Cole, It is funny that 5 year old Joanie doesn't look like Cole or Allison, but more like Luisa.

The writers have chosen not to remind this year's viewers that Luisa agonized over her own infertility,

Yes, weird that she does not have a pov episode her second season as Cole's partner and the professor gets one after knowing Noah for one day!