
And both can sing just fine, but only do it in passing in a comedic way. Btw Rashida Jones' mother is another actress usually seen wearing bangs, Peggy Lipton of Mod

Yes, and the actor really evoked all that in that tiny scene!

Every other apartment in the building had its air conditioner removed for the winter. In wintry climates, the windchill & even the snow can blow through it. If it belongs to the landlord s/he would be responsible for taking it in, which would be hard for one small person to do without dropping it.

Maybe so, but when I worked in a factory with quite a few, they all spoke both Creole and French. Same for custodian at my daughter's middle school. They all seemed overqualified but didn't have the U.S. credentials for better jobs. My friend who was from France and taught French rated Haitian French accents higher

Grownups who were shamed, guilted and/or ridiculed often envy those who were whupped. But this little boy was treated as the victim after he assaulted his caretaker! His mother didn't even suggest a timeout or show in any way that she thought it was wrong of him to hit her!

Yes, it was condescending. But instead of attributing her "my way is better/more civilized/more educated or more modern" to class or culturaldifferences, she did immediately stereotype a whole country. Primary was her secondary reaction(reactive anger first) of "You just don't know any better."

Tried to watch, that early scene shot above the waist of Huck & Olivia yelling & mugging in similar speaking styles was like a parody of melodramatic overacting & I gave up. Kerry Washington has played some very different characters with such subtlety and believability, but on this show she has such a limited palette:

Love all the female heroes in this show, especially the slightly awkward 16 going on 30 Mattie, who despite her lack of red hair is completely believable as the child of her "Humans" parents. Would like to see her less stoic/silly side & some romance for her if there's another season.

Yes, April was hella scarey pre-loveydovey Andy.

But "his" memories in someone else's mind/memory/recreation/dream/hoax might not be as literally accurate.

Boring, predictable and not funny or touching. Jay Baruchel showed more range in his performance than usual, and Eric Andre is a pleasure to watch no matter how lame the lines or tired the premises, but Lucy seemed so blandly underwritten she seemed too boring for Josh!

She always was, but Hannah had no problem using her for the fun excitement & drama of being with a supposedly cool supposedly gorgeous club & adventure companion whose upbringing & supposed sophistication looked good to a small town midwestern Girl. Jessa didn't change at all—and in the past there was some sympathy in

Yes, could imagine folks i'd known with dual diagnosis having an 'aha!" moment.

The writing was more coherent than usual this episode, but the direction was motion sickness inducing and nauseating. Did the director intend to make the erotic scenes as unerotic as possible? None of the guys featured were shown to advantage and the angles & cuts did nothing to suggest any sexual chemistry.

Fine when there are several flavors of gay men with screen time, but when there's only one…..

So true.

???? May be an Irish name, but never heard of it in 30 years living & working with Irish-americans as well as Irish immigrants. Plus names that repeat in part (like Lars Larsen) are…remarked upon, making them remarkable.

Yes, but the joke was that Ruby was sure she can tell anyway!

The opening was brilliant —and I've never seen "The Sandlot."

Plus they didn't settle for the cheap joke Asian contortionist. The joke was that his role on the team was his roommate connection, which got them on the list.