
This review sounds like a book report for someone who didn't read the book.

Loved the lack of red herrings & formulaic over-plotting that has marred so many episodes. And the conspicuous guest star was not exposed as a crooked cop or even as incompetent! So often Joan & Sherlock are the only characters to care about because of the parade of suspects & sources.

Sherlock wasn't being dismissive or hateful in that pivotal scene. he was "tellling it like it is." He, Shinwell & Joan were clearly bonding in their analysis of the power dynamic & disappointment/temporary dead end before/while problem solving their next tack/pivot attempt to save Shinwell from having his probation

Yes. Atlanta is wonderful, too.

Too many "ultimately"s John Hugar. Plus Yvonne immediately reciprocates, not ultimately. Plus at least one viewer I hoping the season finale does not reveal "what their fate will ultimately end up being." Killing off core characters is certainly trendy (GOT, WD, etc.) but this show doesn't seem to be tweetbaiting.

Yes, but the aliens infiltrated earth long ago & speak English, so it's not "Contact" contact.

That boomer woman joke was practically a trope, it's been done so many times—-a way of mocking seniors/creeping out juniors. It stuck out to me because it was the first cheap joke this whole series. Usually the writers don't go where you would expect & every character is one of a kind, not defined by their body

Yes, unless they pronounce it "Ore-gone" as in long time gone.

Actually, he's a very good listener!

Every kind, from subtle to satire to raunch to bittersweet to slapstick.

So recognizable yet so able to transform into any character even without creasing an eye—and able to appreciate, analyze and articulate the creative process so well! Self-aware without being narcissistic.

David Henry Hwang

Yes, that was Antioch College's 20th century attempt to stem rampant "date rape" back in the days when most students had been brought up to think that going to a man's room, allowing him in yours, getting into his car, having a drink with, etc. each meant consent. Back when there was "no rape in marriage." Some found

No doubt DHH intended to satirize academics, but the male student was written as right & Audrey as wrong: he was indeed in a vigorous sexual relationship with the prof Audrey said would reject him.

Yes, so much a stereotype, too of a French woman as well as a male fantasy woman. so disappointed in David Henry Hwang who wrote this episode(and produces the series.

Yes, it's obviously David Henry Wang's as well! He even gave Noah the glamour shots to show off his prison gym phsyique—-wasn't Noah a bit more doughy despite his swimming in the first season?

Wonderful review Zack!

Brillaint point about the animals Esther zuckerman, and kind of deep in that the writer's room charged with exploring issues of consciousness clearly never read any Peter Singer!

Plus it was a rather heavy-handed homage to Office Space, a cult comedy starring Ron Livingston!! Almost clever that it played right after a scene with him, if it hadn't highlighted that 80% of his mannerisms, inflections, voicings and movement was the same for that character as for this.

Yes, one of the few truly clever or funny touches i the show—-as opposed to the manufactured highlights they were pushing in the commercial breaks in hopes of promoting tweets.