
Agree, focus was on lost years of knowing his father, but just saying that irl, your parents want to know your genetic history and when you have kids you want the info for them—-and both Randall & his wife are devoted to their kids & to being good parents.

It seemed so mean, self-indulgent, un self aware, and classic taking out your ifrustrations on your partner/spouse. the nebbishabusive relationship striped away any sympathy for her character.

This is exactly what is missing in the review above!

Yes, it was Richard on Silicon Valley but not bright turquise, something drabby.

It's a cliche of self-help for the past 30 years(and maybe before, but no one earnestly intoned it to me as a kid). Doesn't mean it's not true, just saying it's so commonly intoned that Darryl suddenly articulating it as if he knew it all along but still bullied his minime fell flat. At least they could have written

This ep was creaky formulaic, and creepy(not in a delicious way). Karen & Trent are not funny, in any way recognizable as people, and sink any scene/plot they are in. Good impulse by the writers to give Darryl and White Josh separate plots lines now that their togetherness is established(just as Josh & Valenica had

My cousin nursed her sister & mother through breast cancer & death & was in her 50s before being told after her Mother died that she had been adopted & all the genetic medical worries she'd had for herself & her kids didn't apply! Not to mention she had no way of finding out what her birth parents medical histories

And the pedestrians have to wait to begin crossing & then stand in the middle of the crosswalk waiting for all the blazing right tunrers who don't stop at their red or yield to pedestrians.

Tho he always had a major chip on his shoulder that he was a working class hero compared to his privileged wife,inlaws and their whole social scene as well as severe intellectual /artisitic snobbery. Wouldn't he have felt just as contemptuous of someone with pretensions of talent if he'd been in a position to judge

and the voices!

Jenifer Lewis & Laurence Fishourne deserve their own shows. This plot was lame, but redeemed by their brilliance & ability to play caricature, subtlety & reality off of the most one note/predictable writing.

And the clothes!

Lots of long-time Angelenos seem to think 82 degrees is normal temperature & wear sweaters in air conditioning when it's 75 degrees, while complaining of being freezing. Turn on the heat when it dips below 78 in the evening, etc. The show creator whose life it's based on & Anthony anderson both grew up in LA where it

Until she said "3c" !

Yes, finally deleted the series from my dvr. Too depressing/ridiculous!

The ep was so annoying to me that I wasn't motivated to read a recap===until I watched the next week's, skimmed Genvieve's review & read that Myles had done this one.

Has Elementary ever done a montage? And what would the soundtrack be? Clyde's favorite music or something more manipulative?

I love procedurals, the main actors, the townhouse set, and of course Clyde but find this year's mysteries more repetitive, convoluted, and unconvincing. than ever. Even the disposable Black lower class friend as a learning tool for Sherlock/Joan is repetitive and not as engaging as previously—in part because you

Yes, as if the Bali cop wouldn't frame innocent people if he owed someone else a favor, was pressured to, or ordered to by his superiors. There are even cops who have extorted foreigners with the threat of planted evidence.

Carrie, I hope they are paying you for a full review—a full excellent review based on analysis of the whole season !