
For 38 diehard fans.

as the name of one of Moriarty's operatives?

But did you ever see the video for "Kiss," or the 2007 SuperBowl halftime show?

80s was Members Only jackets, and nobody male or female had creatively shaped hair like that or thick painted on eyebrows. Which Prince is on the t-shirt, Charles maybe?

And here I was all bitter at AVC and the rest of America for not celebrating this achievement and using it for those "difficult conversations" politicians are always saying we need to have. I have really been craving a support group for watching this show & have bribed family members to watch it with me.

True, & even tho Petra picked those creepy nurses, I'd like to think Rafael vetted them & agrees they are good with the infants. But to that point I hadn't noticed anyone unfamiliar/not family taking care of Mateo & figured Rafael might assume a stranger on short notice wasn't a good idea, especially if he wasn't

Maybe a class thing, but I never had swimming goggles as a kid or teen, and even tho I learned to swim by imitation & passed swim tests & safely sailed, windsurfed & scuba dived as an adult, I just thought the scuba mask was leaky, tightened it, & probably eased in instead of diving without ever thinking they were

Maybe more that Olivia originally represented a complicated intelligent successful woman who could have any man she wanted, bossed around powerful people, and lived her life for the first seasons immune from the judgements of who she "should be with" that are still pretty strong irl America. KW sold folks on Olivia's

No worries. When you call the show "stupid" & a person "ignorant, you don't sound too polite at all!

Sounds like you have pretty high standards! For my folks, doing music or art or dance for pure enjoyment was not a consideration—they didn't & since I wasn't prodigy, they didn't support any participation/lessons in childhood. Of course in some very musical families where everyone plays there is a different

it saved us from hearing snippets on American Idol.

In the Rain! With lightning and thunder!

If you are the perp, you are a Guest Star & if not, it's a cameo. And if you reall were famous, wouldn't it be uncredited?

Tho if he said"Are you sure it wasn't Julia or Michele playing both sides?" he would not be affirmatively lying, just lying by implication.

but couldn't he leave that out & imply Julia was the traitor?

Yes, he did the humble follower deferent thing so well with them when he handed back the idol as if accepting his role as their subordinate. After watching them take possession of the idol Cydney had found, it just made me groan. He couldn't have been consciously trying to build trust so he'd get it back, because

Yes, that diving challenge was harsh(how many people would think you had to hold down such a fancy mask if they'd never used one & no one warned them?) & the bros were full of scorn for Darnell. Yet Jeff & other producers/editors they played up the heat stroke angle while keeping the challenging out of the cooling

but couldn't they signal/whisper/eyepoint, like they do in the tribal council?

But she really did not listen to him when he said "Please let me do this one thing my own way." She could have gotten the most elaborate musical number proposal ever or the most scenic, or found the ring he picked out clogging the straw of a Boba they shared (V would never drink a whole one). But instead she wanted to

She is a bored fulltime paralegal who knows as much or more than many lawyers through experience. In every field there are women who didn't have the family expectation/support to go to college & then professional school but are super competent & expected to train the higher paid right out of law school or med school