
Yes, he is completely one of the high school bro crew, not the magical outsider.

Tho this time even his previously stuck in his own misery father gave him good advice.

And in keeping with their good natures, it wasn't said TO anyone but to themselves after they worried they were overdressed.

Yes, she was piteously grateful when Rebecca got Josh's family to like her just the littlest bit.

Brilliant! Like an oldtimey"i don't waste words" character. As a kid I always wondered why people said so & so didn't talk, because they talked to me!

Yes, this was my first reaction at the time. Chappaquiddick was pretty fresh in my mind, and it was hard to believe Anita Hill was so mild in her brushoffs that he didn't get the message & apologize for real to her. But then I realized he was not married then, but single and dating, and maybe not even born -again.

She alleged he kept asking her out despite her repeatedly saying no, and brought up pornography all the time out of context when she was working with him. Remember, she was his assistant. She said he finally stopped near the end of the first job & she thought he finally got the message. Maybe that was when he moved

So many current woman writers have written & spoken out about how the genre is devalued & treated as if it wasn't literature that there must be a few enlightened profs who study & distinguish the excellent from the pedestrian instead of dismissing the whole genre. This prof seems to have the same values as the male

Because you are an undergraduate. Graduate programs ime are very much a process of weeding out those who in the opinion of the professors don't have the ethics and/or skills to teach or practice & traditionally very strict on deadlines, requirements, and whatever version of protocol and jargon they go by. People often

Did you have access to a piano after that? Did you ever pick it up again for your own enjoyment?

Rafael respects the strong opposition Jane expressed in the past when he suggested a nanny. He respects her values/feelings about only having trusted family members caring for Mateo AND not taking money from from Rafael to raise M like a poor little rich boy. Petra not only rejected caring for her twins, but accepts

I'm hoping they get out of the house & apartment sets & show us their workplaces as well as more Nekysha & Lil Ren—whose clothes btw are emmy worthy—keep meaning to check to see if there's a blog for where you can buy their outfits.

Yes, I looked for it yesterday & thought it wasn't up yet! don't think it was ever on the review page. Joshua Alston is always worth reading!

I thought it was disgusting that Clinton got the "good ol boys will be boys" winking defense from so many men of all political stripes. But also, don't you think that Thomas surviving that unprecedented primetime discussion kind of lowered the mainstream standards. Compared to "Long Dong Silver" and bestiality talk to

But this wasn't just an average workplace and an uneducated supervisor. Thomas was a designated lauded leader of a government agency dedicated to protecting the civil rights of women as well as other folks who the law already designated as members of protected classes. We barely had the word "gay" then, let alone

Exactly. When one person has supervisory power over another, lewd comments may be just one of many manifestations of treating a female employee differently and making it harder for them to do their jobs, let alone advance.

The Judicial committee investigator who calls her is another Jiminy Cricket, prodding her to do what she knows is right even tho it is in opposition to her own self-interest. The caller echoes her trusted U of O colleague's implied judgement that Hill should divulge because a lifetime Supreme court seat is at

She not only doesn't call herself gay but famously told Oprah last year "I don't want to be labeled gay. I want to be labeled a human who loves humans. I'm tired of being labeled." So she cares what folks call her. She was hated on on for saying something similar about race. in that interview. So she 's not saying

JOM used to show his tattoos a lot in the first season(s?), but the show has really avoided the standard usual eye candy shots of so many procedurals. I'm not trying to say they overdid it at all, just that they did it , with the shots they chose & yes wardrobe.. And yes, her hair was gorgeously cut & waved down

Bout ready to ff thru the work scenes. Since Charlie left, just unrelieved harshness, stupidity, narrowmindedness and scorn. They are all just Ruby lite, without the love for Dre, just the scorn. The actual creative work situation/ad campaigns are long gone; we see as little of Dre's work as we do of Bow's. Lazy