
???? It's format alone made it fascinating must-watch tv for people in the industry who admire Norman Lear's work(i'm not one of them). Loretta Devine has devoted fans from years of great work, most recently in Being Mary Jane(i'm one of them). David Alan Grier has devoted fans. —I would watch it just for his

She's not, she just plays one on tv.

Never knew that was even a word. Wonder if Tara Stiles knows?

Tho in his mind no doubt he respects women…if they do what he wants and look up to him.

Of course WJ is the only fully self aware and secure enough to be empathetic most of the time guy in Rebecca's West Covina.Even the adorable kidney specialist/standup was enjoying the bedside relationship drama way to much to seem kind or even neutral.
But Josh, for all his dependencies, has chosen to turn to the

Even if this is not true, thank you for that mental image. Three or four possible outfits immediately flashed in my mind's eye. A luxe paper doll book of D & WJ would be def be on my Xmas list.

He def has a "SOH"—hasn't he written some of the episodes?

More evidence that current writers don't even read the plot summaries for previous season's shows, or they'd have known she DID have a family!

Well, for one thing. they don't look anything alike!

Joan already has a family, but none of them wear miniskirts, are fashionistas or have perfectly blown out long long hair, so they(bro & mo have not gotten all those glamour shots, closeups, and screen time. I call pandering.

The whole show is a like a photoshoot for some upscale magazine where all the women wear sizes 0-4. It's high heels and highrises, with all the funk of the big city edited out. So boring.

Amen! Do you know where do find good commentary on Underground?

I can vouch from personal observation of hijabbed very expensively dressed shoppers that even the non celeb wealthy stay stylishly covered in public spaces(ie, the posh hotel lounges & bars of this episode).

So true! Plus the ends were often based on some dubious assumptions, like that electing/keeping Fitz as president would be better for America and the world than any alternative.

In interviews(tv & published, like AdWeek) she doesn't tell cute stories about her husband & child but is very concerned about giving back and somewhat serious. Unless beautiful women wearing cool clothes immediately irritate you, or you think actors shouldn't give their opinions on current events, you might find her

He thought he was on a winning streak every step of the way & was unrealistically arrogant(considering he didn't seem to have any political/underworld/paramilitary alliances, just the journalists who might be persuaded not to run the story he wanted.
Having masterminded a whole fake country, he must have known his

Except they were really suffering. True that the crucifixion imagery was there visually even before Jeff heavy handed "temptation" and everyone suffered with their limbs pinned to the cross, calling out in pain. And Vietnamese Buddhism (in my greater family network at least) does have a more personal representation

Didn't catch anything about charitable contributions—I think he was referring to whatever copays & uncovered medical expenses for his daughter's therapies cramping his lifestyle budget. Public education in many states provides all those therapies he mentioned plus behavioral education at home as well as school but

There will be a chicken. It just won't be the same chicken—-ala Diane's lovey she had since she was a baby on Blackish, which comes from a case of them.

Yes, this was one of the few times this season he didn't zero in on the primary movers as if he'd watched the same edit we just did. He didn't zero in on Cydny & ask her if there was a woman's alliance, etc. If he had, the Brawns would have had many opportunities to watch the Brain & Women's reactions to her answers,