
Yes, unless I missed it, they purposely left out any of the women cluing in Joe, which made their plan seem more dependent on the sing women's decision & upped the suspense.

Or crazy like a fox!! Look at how he taunted Cydney during the challenge, trying to distract her focus & get her to waver/fall off as others have done when Jeff simply calls their name/makes them self-conscious. He is a lousy liar—-his non sequitur blurt seemed very calculated to me. Jason had no clue that Cydny was

Yes. Can't believe they didn't see his extreme determination to gain immunity when he knew he wasn't a target as a declaration of independence, self-sufficiency and strength.

Wish all the best for the core cast, but this boring generic episode just didn't work except as unimaginative nostalgia. I come to this show ready to smile, laugh and/or be touched & didn't this time.

The typos prob didn't help either! According to interviews with Huang when his book came out, his actual Dad was quite harsh with him. His actual Dad was not the "good cop" to "bad cop" Mom as in the first season of FOTB. Real Dad was not grumpy with a heart of gold like tv Eddie. Real Dad was more like tough mean

Congratulations, Uncle Oliver!

Even if he's been typecast, he could try to vary his performance a little. Maybe try working on not having the same distinctive accent—especially when he's playing someone on a different coast, as he just did on Portlandia.

What about CPKids?

The joke was that she needed Lincoln's emotional support for the trauma of going to her childhood pediatrician back home to get a shot. While pediatricians nowadays do see patients through puberty and HPV and you can stay on parent's insurance late into 20s, it was perfect for her character to be particular about the

Yes, humblebrag!

And instead of being recruited by the league or any other cliche, no one cares, including her. Of course if Abbi had been watching…..(If 12 pins fall in Pennnyslvania, and Abbi doesn't see it…).

For the episode without Lincoln, it WAS wonderful, and it was very funny , too. But did you notice it had the least raunch, gross-out humor, bathroom related jokes & over the top meanness of any episode? Coincidence? I think not. Even tho I's rather think they were satirizing A & I's worship of Hillary, no doubt they

Mateo's reactions were so effective all episode. Plus he really seemed so comfortable natural with Jane when she was holding him, not just when she was cooing to him. Wonder how they do it!

Really they were patting themselves on the back because of course the show has great scenes of women's relationships. You are right that it was a passing comment in a comic strip by Alison Bechdel that got picked up—because it was so true!——that it was rare to find a movie where two women talked about anything but a

Yes, so many with the 3 generations of women working out their problems & supporting each other, as well as the flashbacks about their misunderstandings/disagreements.

Still haven't read Eddies book, but going by interviews his portrait if real Dad was similar to first season tough mean gangsta Eddie, not later heart of gold just a little grumpy Eddie or the swweet Louis of the show & they battled because real Dad was quite harsh to Eddie.

Shelby, "Jessica tries to empathize with Evan's obsession of her" is a quadruple fail. First, it fails to communicate what you think Jessica is trying to do. Second, third, and fourth are the specific word choice/word misuse errors that make your statement confusing and awkward.

Most brilliant: two episodes about fatherhood, resonating against each other! Implicit in two episodes that on the surface seemed very spelled-out, with opposing pov spoken & debated was the question of Joe & others are able to be the fathers they wish they'd had.

Your writing and thinking is so clear and accessible! You back up your interpretations with actual facts! You cared! Clearly you were hanging in there to support & encourage "people like me." And then you buried your perfect resonate drop the mic ending(….and the joke was Ilana being over the top devastated at

When is third season available?