
So glad we have responsible reactionary media that will, without a doubt, retract their articles insinuating it was unhoused people. /s

Man, I had no idea Sizzler was still around but looks like it’s still thriving in CA. Next time I make a trip out west...

Thankfully, the Chipotle program works whether you are using the website OR the app. We’ve used it many times for free chips and quac and once for an entrée.

Looks like I need to create a bunch of accounts with fake birthdays.

In theory, maybe it makes sense - charging people for your product. But in reality, the Venn diagram of people who pay for Twitter and the worst people in the world is almost a complete circle. The Paid Blue Checkmark is a giant flashing sign that you are a terrible, terrible person.

+1 because that was my favorite show of all time

The only guarantee in this case: whoever loses will approach the bench and ask to talk to the judge’s manager.

Thomas and Martha Wayne would like a word.

Tulips would like a word.

Over the long run, 99 percent of Funkos are worthless outside of whatever depraved joy fans get from occasionally making eye contact with the ones lining their shelves.

I wouldn’t criticize Crawford for her choice overextend herself for her job.

To me Spotify’s algorithms have always sucked so I can’t imagine this is any better.

Well I am sure there are good apples too right?

It’s be awesome if they went full on Chef from South Park on her character….

Making box office bombs for Ben Shapiro

Hopefully we get this dialogue:

MANDO: Where’s Cara?

GREEF: Turned out she was a traitor and we threw her into a lava pit.


Apparently Curry is now a QAnon/antivax/rightwing/transphobe pile of trash, which is likely helping inform her stupid-ass takes.

Yeah, it’s funny how people equate the archaicness of the language Shakespeare used with him always being highbrow. I like the Marvel comp. The one I’d always used was Snoop Dogg: people reacted to Shakespeare making up words like “eyeball” just like we reacted to Snoop’s phrase “fo’ shizzle.

If you forget where you put your gun, you shouldn’t have a gun.