
This is fucking fantastic.

The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.

Mostly.... depends on the hero. I mean how many people knew the origin story of Dr. Strange outside comic nerds? Hell, I am a comic nerd and I wasn’t 100% certain myself. Similarly with Black Panther.

That was a long walk, but it was worth it.

Deep in the Amazon basin there are people who have lived for centuries, maybe millennia with almost no contact with the outside world. They have been born, lived, raised their children and died for generations without seeing anything beyond their forest home. Because of their remote location and the difficulty of

Well, based on hiring Chris Pronger, that master plan is “throw a whole bunch of elbows and maybe step on a guy with your skate.”

As a Pens fan, I’m going to miss the current tradition of Fleury losing his job every postseason.

It’s a real shame he couldn’t get a ring.

They also berated Mike Milbury. They may be young, but they’ve learned quickly.

Not to mention for them KEEPING the team as well. If Bettman doesnt step in and block Jim Balsillie from buying them, that team is playing in Hamilton right now.

Yeah, I dug them lustily booing the one man most responsible for Nashville having a team. I mean that sincerely—they did good.

Just ask this Phillies fan, or a Cubs fan, or an anything-from-Cleveland fan: When that lone championship does manage to come along after what seems like an eternity of waiting, it feels so much better. At the very least, it sustains you for the next decade or two of absolute sucking you know you’re in for.

Nashville has shown itself to be a true hockey town filled with real fans, because they booed the living shit out of Bettman last night, as is proper and right.


Given Storm’s history, give it a few hours and she’ll announce the death of her beloved colleague Todd Archer.

I live in chigger-country and appreciate being able to go outside my house without being eat up with bug bites. Also: snakes love high grass, so I’d also like to walk in my lawn without fear of stepping on one of those as well. Lastly, I like to actually go outside and do stuff and not have ass-high grass all around

My dream Pullman commencement speech:

Now that you’ve put that idea in my head it’s the only thing I want to see.

I really want to like the Preds; a lot of talented players. But the idea of the Nashville fan base getting to celebrate a Cup is stomach turning.