
Well, now, hold on. Did he go to school in the south? They teach you it’s okay to touch cousins like that.

Warren G “Featuring Nate Dogg” Harding.

I want a Roosevelt Mod where he plays in a wheelchair.

Ah, the History Channel- where America’s racist uncles go when Fox News makes them think too much.

“Lobot, just send the kid one of those war souvenirs I salvaged from the Battle of Endor! You know, something that looks great over a fireplace...”

I went to West Virginia University. We don’t have a hostess program. This could explain why we do fine but just can’t get over the hump.

Penn State did not have hostesses, but offered unlimited use of the showers.

No part of the football recruiting/hostess story has any bearing on my own college experience, but based on stories I’ve heard from multiple sources, I’ve always wistfully wondered what might have happened if, as an impressionable young man figuring out which colleges to apply to, I’d done an overnight at Vassar.

You’d think that’d be the case at Baylor too, but you just can’t hold a good Baptist down.

Hostesses at notre dame only allow recruits to use the Jesus Hole.

I think they are talking about being a Hostess, twinkie.

Well done. I’ll 2nd that Boomer Sooner too!

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

This one’s a real pisser!

+1 (or 1+1 if they tag team)

Many of the same reporters feverishly reported every Wikileaks dump of the Podesta hack without once noting if the content was actually relevant to anything. Yes, the Buzzfeed publication may be bullshit, or partially bullshit, but you cannot deny it is relevant to the public.

The reporter’s job is not to simply dump