
This seems like a neat premise for a story run, but let me be old man yelling at cloud for a moment here: why not just state this is issue 213 and drop the whole “#1 issue because we’re on a new run with a new creative team” thing?

A wizard did it.

It’s amazing how some airports will allow things like this to pass security.  Had a guy work for us years ago who flew out of DFW with a bullet in his carry on.  He was a scout master and was using the same back he used for camping trips and a bullet just got left in the bag.  TSA at DFW had no problem with the

Yeah, it smelled of a “canary test” of new features and not something being a bug, especially with the rumors coming out of non-Blue accounts being limited in the future.  

We did the same thing when the NES battery pack (the small retangle thing on the bottom of the unit) went out. I don’t even think we bought the Nintendo at Wal-Mart (or at least our local Wal-Mart), but mom took it there anyway, and with a few extra dollars, instantly upgraded to a Super Nintendo.

Ok. Yeah, we had another software like this that lasted all of whatever timeframe it took to get people trained on it enough for leadership to realize they didn’t want messages late at night about outages and the people who were going to be forced to use it realized how cumbersome it was to use.

ah, like a Solarwinds type app?

It seems now it would be just cheaper to upgrade your stereo unit to have that.  

Can’t understand why WB Execs and Johnson himself thought a Black Adam film, including the Justice Society, would do well without any build up from the established DC Cinematic universe would do better than this? I mean, Black Adam will always be inheirantly tied to Captain Marvel (I’ll call him Shazam when I’m knee

One thing missing from this article is that Chad got suspended on Twitter last week after mentioning this hack and getting ready to release his report/findings.

Three fiddy

My wife still has this in her iTunes library, which has followed her over 4 different phones since then. She’s somewhat of a luddite, with her only music “streaming” preference being Sirius XM, and that’s only because when we got our 2017 Highlander she got use to that service and keeps up a subscription just for

Which is what Jay-Z did with 4:44

This is awesome! Really wish the US (the so-called “Most Powerful Country on Earth”) could get high speed internet access across all its rural areas. I know quite a few of my fellow Choctaws will be heading to Tvshka Homma in a few weeks for the Labor Day Festival and wi-fi will be at a premium, even though my fellow


Not to come out on the side of Zuck and the ilk, but exactly how does this get enforced without it being abused?  Guess my concern is kid does something bad and the parents end up placing blame on an addiction to some social media platform.  Not to say these apps aren’t harmful, but aren’t we getting back to the same

You know, it was people like that who turned me off of listening to Rage back when I was in high school back in the late 90s. All these meat head jocks, some of who I knew were going to be cops when they got older, listening to a pretty open left-wing band was a scene I didn’t want to be a part of.  However, Battle of

Not sure who all remembers, but in the lead up to Ep III, Grievous was made out to be this monstrous villian who was going to take on the entire Republic/Jedi forces, with a promised match up against Kenobi that would almost rival the climatic fight between Anakin and Kenobi, only to just have him end up not really