

Good that this intern is getting viral support, but maybe HBO should have made it public knowledge that it was in fact their development and QA teams that failed to ensure that their test environments weren't interacting with production systems.... 

This is terrible news. That series came out way before my time, but it was in re-runs when I was a kid and it probably helped me get started into my future love of comics and superheroes.

Maybe this is my “Old Man yells at Cloud” moment, but, my god, can we stop with all of the #1 issues? I understand that comic companies use this tactic to help give new readers a fresh starting point, but it just cheapens the uniqueness of a #1 issue of a book.

Are the Canadians stressing the longer time between shots because of the low amount of vaccines they have? This may be anecdotal, but a Canadian friend of mine shared a post this morning about how after the US started buying more vaccines once Biden came into office, that the vaccine manufacturers prioritized

Mine did this while they were hunting a mole last fall.  

I’ve done the same for my three around where they have dug under the chain linked fence. Dug a little trench, took a piece of chicken wire fencing (preferably an inch to 1 1/2 inch thick for my bigger dog) cut just big enough to not only go into the trench but also attach to the fence, and then fill the hole up with

He sounds alot like my small town’s mayor. She made news this summer for a post on her personal page and on a group she founded for local citizens to talk directly with council members (though it is mainly filled with her family and supporters) that was full of anti-BLM/transphobic language (she also attended a rally

As bad as the movie was (is), I think that it had the best summer marketing campaign of any of the 90s Batman films. This may be the fact that 95 was my last true summer before Summer job/Upward Bound kicked in for me in 1996, but it was like I constantly reminded about this movie through the marketing from May till

You’re doing the Lord’s work.

You forgot about the Harkrova Temple, which was in the first Alphabet Squadron novel.

Depends on what I’m doing. Looking for an app that I swore I had on my machine, I’ll do the search there. If I still have it installed, bingo. If not, I see that I’m being directed to a web address and just open the link in chrome to download the app. I’m a software developer, so I tend to download little utilities

Look, I don’t know if Tishamingo can take another Blake Shelton ex-wife leaving town. There are people around here still upset that the Pink Pistol is gone......

Wait, you’re supposed to give a gift at these things?  Damn, my inner George Constanza is coming out....

Now that Dungeons & Dragons is grappling with its “Hey, maybe it’s messed up to say an entire species of sentient creatures are uniformly evil” problem, it’s time for Star Wars to do the same. Among the most maligned aliens in the franchise are the Gamorreans, some of whom are seen in Return of the Jedi as Jabba’s

Yes, the “Windows ME of Presidents” is a more appropriate comparrison.

Couldn’t make it past this line:

Same can be said for cereal. My grandmother got me on the cereal in a cup movement when she put my breakfast into a coffee mug that I could hold and watch cartoons in the living room with out spilling it. I have now transitioned into using cups, especially the big cups you get from movie theaters that are promotional

This right here, along with the weird return to summer releases for Star Wars (which is was still up against Infinity War, which was still in theaters at the time).  I just hate that we haven’t found out what Maul had planned for Qui’ra.