
Good to know. I'll keep checking my mailbox. 

You know, I'm reaching 40 and I'm still not sure when I, a an American man, should start tucking my t-shirts into my pants. Do I get something in the mail from AARP? 

A million thanks for the image!  Was finishing up lunch yesterday when I came up with the comment, but didn’t have time to do it justice.  Thank you so much for this work of art!

To paraphrase Moe:  “Millennials, I knew it was them!  Even when it was the overpriced food and Amtrak execs wanting to the cut the bottom line I knew it was them!”

Uh...is there not a video that includes a test of the emergency broadcast system?

Remember watching it for the first time on VHS at a friend’s house.  That was pretty much the only way I could see movies since our town didn’t have a theater at the time, which meant going “to the movies” was regulated to birthdays or very, very special events.

And my ax! 

It must be an old man thing, cause Billie Joe Armstrong posted the same thing yesterday, but looks like he deleted it as well.

All I want to know is if my current Hulu subscription will get me access to Disney +.  

Someone better be pissing in some Apple Juice or I’m gonna demand my money back...

I would hope so. 

I'm not I'm going to be wrong, but at the moment Biden is taking all the press, so much so that I forgot that Castro was even running until this article came out. 

This is refreshing and hopefully his ideas are picked up by the eventual nominee (let’s be honest, at the moment he doesn’t have much of a shot, but I could be wrong). Trump’s lack of acknowledgment of Tribal issues has led GOP politicians across the nation to overlook the needs of the original inhabitants of this

My guess is that she was on the wrong end of the 2008 financial collapse and is living in a rented single wide somewhere in Missouri.

Hands down the best leftover fast food has been and will always be Taco Mayo crunchy tacos. Eat em cold from the fridge while watching Saturday morning cartoons. 

Early in my career, we had a group of consultants in our office/trailer (IT was kept out of the main building back then in a converted construction office trailer and it was glorious), and one of them, a woman, came through our service desk room asking where our big boss was. We told her that he was smoking on the

One scheme I loved using back in the day was the Ticketmaster will call trick. Basically what you would do was order tickets and have them mailed to you (obviously this was before being able to print your own tickets or smart phones). Now, TM had the policy that if you didn’t get your tickets within 48 hours before

It's so much about religion but one's overall connection to their culture and their ancestors. 

Actually, Adams does some pretty good commercials here in Oklahoma. 

Hey, we’re more than just cow country! We’re also rattlesnake and uranium country!