
Now I want him to launch ObamaTV and really steal Trump’s dream job though.

Trevor tends to be at his best when he gets to really pull on his South African identity, so I think he has the potential to be sadly amazing the next however many years if given the chance. (And I so miss The Nightly Show ‘cause for all it’s flaws, it’d tended to be pretty good at intersectionality).

Okay, I might not be a butter traditionalist, but mayo? Ugh. Life is generally better without mayo.

I now have a theory that Drumpf sees no difference between fictional/comedy entertainment in contrast with news or, you know, facts.

I’d like nothing more than being able to get to Trump like that.

I can hardly watch SNL because McKinnon gets Conway so, so wrong—you can’t make a funny, oddly charming, reality-grounded silk purse out of an icy-blooded fascist sow’s ear, and yet McKinnon keeps trying to pull it off.

You seem to be well-informed on the subject, so it’s a little puzzling as to why you’re telling other people to simply take your word and do their own research elsewhere rather than simply explaining, in some reasonable amount of detail, what the issue is.

Being cryptic about it only detracts from the purpose of your

Thank you <3

I’ve been a satanist all these years and had no idea.

Genuinely. Damn. I am considering joining up.

i’m really struggling to put this into terms that i truly understand, any help would be appreciated.

Just a quick reminder of their refreshingly sane tenets (from the membership page- only $25! I know what I’m getting my friends for Xmas now):

Hello Kinja this is a formal request to change the stars to pentagrams on this site. Thank you for your consideration.

You get all the Satan stars!


God bless the Satanists.

Dude you are being spiteful. Don’t pretend you actually want to change people’s mind when you do that. Either donate under your own name or give to charity you know they will support. Hell they might actually support the charities that you consider anti Trump.

The only part that’s trolling is calling it a ‘gift’ - you’re contributing to a charity that you support and making a statement about your opinion; it’s entirely self-serving.

She’s a giant uninformed, hateful, spiteful, smug, narrow minded cunt who will use any type of desperate deflection to ‘protect’ the fuck sticks that she works for.