
They should have taken action and didn’t. Too little too late, Delta. Although I’d bet money that the guy WANTED to get kicked off the plane so he could act like some neo-nazi martyr, like that weird Starbucks cup thing from last week.

It’s basically sports.
Sure your city just spent your money to build a privately run stadium where you need to pay through the nose for tickets, beer and shitty hotdogs, making the team owner rich, but at least you get to cheer for your team and feel like you are a part of them winning, even though you’ve done nothing

Yeah. I mean, I can’t blame her, given the number of times I sucked Osama Bin Laden’s cock instead of killing him.

There was the time the CIA tried to poison his milkshake. There was the ploy to discredit him by spraying him down with LSD and watching him go insane during a live radio broadcast. There was, I shit you not, an idea to pack his omnipresent cigar with explosives.

It only took the CIA sixty years.

From now on, when I order coffee at Starbucks, my name will be “Clinton won 2 million more votes”.

Grande cappuccino for tiny hands. I have a grande cappuccino for tiny hands. Is tiny hands here?

One barista wrote “Turnip” on the cup.

I figure they’ll all be ordering Pumpkin Spice Lattes, in honour of their illustrious Leader the Great Pumpkin.

We call that Freedom Foam.

it is a “social experiment” the purpose of which is to “keep Starbucks accountable.”

They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?

Seriously. It looks like something Maria von Trapp might cook up with a bed-in-a-bag.

She has been on the cover before, but it would be the first time for the current version of her face.

Melania’s perpetual squint always reminds me of the ubiquitous Futurama meme.

Doesn’t matter. She’ll be wearing all Ivanka Trump, all the time. I’m surprised she wasn’t already.

The skidmarks?...

A man of his inflated ego surrounded by yes men and women will not quit, he will do the bare minimum and still fuck up everything he touches, he may die of stress from actually really working for the first time in his privileged life.

I vacillate between the two. Pence scares the ever living hell out of me for the reasons you mentioned. However, Trump is so fucking insular and narrow minded that he’s refusing to hire anyone who hasn’t been “loyal” to him. As a consequence, he’s alienated everyone in Washington with actual experience. My best case

I’m convinced he never actually wanted to be President.