
Can anyone clarify what ‘five years on life support’ means here? At her home? Like, unconscious for the last five years?

Fuck this dudes mom

The telling part is that Russia hacked both the RNC and the DNC. They only released the DNC information, which means they are blackmailing the Republicans to get their way. And as we all know Republican priorities are 1) themselves, 2) the party, and 3) the nation.

you know, the closer Trump is to inauguration, the less interested I am in anything he has to say. His words are completely meaningless. At this point, I’d rather just block him out entirely and wait to see what he does.

Librarian here. The matter of library cats is a controversial one, but a majority in the library world come down on their side. One of the main reasons actually is health and allergies — the reactions to pesticides, rodents, and rodent matter are typically way worse than to a cat.

Now playing

John Mulaney was all over this last year, one of my favorite bits of his:

I will never stop mourning the loss of that series. At least Gawker retained its archives so I can go back and revisit when I’m having a bad day.

“Could Be the Worst Restaurant in America.”

Donald Trump’s presidential transition has a 48 percent approval and a 48 percent disapproval rating among Americans

Justice Thiel’s opinion for the Supreme Court’s 21-4 decision will hold that filing suit against the president constitutes treason.

Trump really thrives on the attention he gets from trolling people. Every one of his Administration choices seems to be made based on the shock value that he will receive upon announcing it. There are plenty of people who he could choose who would be qualified even though their politics might be extrememly libertarian

I was in a mood last weekend and was saying some horrible shit about Republicans in general, and also some bitchy stuff about my family members who voted for him, and my mom tried to pull that “When they go low, we go high” on me.

That’s the honorable thing to do, and I love Michelle Obama, but screw that. That got us

Frankly, I wouldn’t blame Clinton (or Obama) one bit if they just flipped us off and went and lived the rest of their lives in peace and luxury.

And there’s a reason why they aren’t. “Cry-baby liberals. Can’t handle the fact that they lost the election. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” That’s pretty much all I see in the comment section of stories and several groups. Oh, and the racist and sexist comments never stop as well.

This is a good combo. I’d like to add that over the last few years I, an avowed peanut butter lover, have gotten really into natural peanut butters and have done extensive product testing within the category in order to determine the best peanut butter. This blog comment is as good a place as any to finally reveal my

I have my guy — the best guy, just hugely wonderful — and he’s in charge of my wardrobe. I wouldn’t trust anyone else! And believe me when I tell you, I’m an excellent judge of character. My guy, Emilio, he comes in with my suits, and I try them on and he says I look amazing. Not just him! A lot of people are saying

Not that I have any sympathy for Mike Pence, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s eventually up to six PBR’s a day.

Being LIKE a smart person is not the same thing as being a smart person.

He was named PERSON OF THE GODDAMN YEAR and he has complaints. Jesus fucking Christ.

Frito-Lay just announced their Cheeto of the Year. I don’t want to spoil the surprise, for you.....