the dress is bad
the dress is bad
I’m... confused about what the angle is here. I think it’s totally understandable that she would feel a little knock to her self-esteem after finding out that an ex is gay, and I think wanting to score a hot rebound to feel sexually desirable again is within the bounds of normal behavior so... I guess I’m failing to…
Is it wrong that I really really hate that dress? In a way that I’ve lost some measure of respect for her? God I feel shallow
Haverchuck FOREVER.
I, for one, love the Tay hating. She's obnoxious and needs to go away.
Gotta be honest, I don’t get the recent internet obsession with hating Jared Leto.
I don’t know if it was the TSwift Takedown or what but she is growing on me. Shine on, you crazy diamond.
No, to wonder is fine. There’s a ton of shit that everyone hasn’t been exposed to. It’s the ongoing insistence that it’s not “real words.”
There’s a difference between “I don’t know wft she’s saying,” and “I don’t understand those words so they must not be real.”
I’m pretty sure it’s Ben Affleck and Matt Damon with a sea gull on his head.
:/ it sounds like you know what you need to do.
Your credit will recover. Your sanity will recover.
He’s either cheating on her or he’s actually playing Pokémon Go until 5 a.m.
You’re the kind of poly person who makes all the other poly people look bad. Like the atheist who can’t help but sneer condescendingly at people of faith.
um a lot of people want that.
I know, right? I generally have no opinion on One Direction but I feel for this guy. He was an upstanding person, sounded way friendlier than I ever am on a plane, and this fan just couldn’t be fucking cool and respect him as an actual human on a not-great day.
So, a fan has a nice long chat with a friendly international pop star, wants a selfie and the pop star declines because he’s sick, so the fan waits until he’s asleep and then takes a picture and posts it on social media with a gushing commentary? Wow. That is a really shitty thing to do. #thedownsideoffame
Wrong. The real potato is Jeremy Renner.