This movie was at 11:50am on a Saturday. If you wish to avoid children at the movie theatre, a weekend matinee might not be the best time to attend.
I wish theaters (and most places actually) would implement child specific times for stuff so the rest of us can live our lives in peace from the noisy/rude little fuckers
If “not liberal enough” is your reason to not vote for Hillary when the alternative is *actual fascism*, your liberalism is just narcissism
Aint nothin to fuck with, chums.
Would you say his conversation is more or less fixated on butts?
I feel like there was a real missed opportunity to deploy “Jury Booty” at least once in this post.
Me, too! I keep getting summons for magistrate’s court, and the cases keep getting settled before trial. My thirst to participate in the system remains unslaked.
They will pry my French press from my cold dead hands!
Give me a moment to peel my thighs off that searing hot black rubber....
Ohhhhh man, you should see an interview he did for... GQ I think? a few months ago. I used to like him quite a bit (thought he was great in The Specatacular Now and Rabbit Hole) but that interview took me to Ansel Elgort levels of douchebag-hatred.
Why does Miles Teller bother me so much? I hate his character in every movie I’ve seen him in, and whenever I see his name I want to punch his smug face. Is he a garbage person? Or is my loathing irrational? Is it both? It can be both.
If there were nothing else on SNL besides Leslie and Colin, I’d be more than OK with that (assuming Kate McKinnon already has her own show).
A friend of mine was rightly proud that he suggested her first desk appearance of the fall should have a “Jostbuster” joke, which Jones approved of on Twitter.
I always suspected she was terrible because Jon was such a passive-aggressive purposefully useless man-baby. Being married to him was like being the single parent of 9 of whom was a sulky, lazy middle school brat. Most people don’t enjoy being a nagging bitch, but that’s what their selfish partner…
I think that is the guy who briefly played ‘Lucky’ on GH...Luke and Laura’s spawn...which I only know because (as a young feminist in training/baby riotgrrrrl) I was fascinated that a soap opera made their ‘main love for all times’ storyline about a woman who married her rapist. It was a summer of hate watching.
He actually unintentionally did some good work there, though. Ed Hardy’s brand needed to be killed.
On the one hand, I am never against more cats for any reason. On the other hand, definitely do keep sharing your crimes on social media, as it makes it marginally easier to catch and convict said crimes. I’m mostly here for that cat puking rainbows though. So cute.
This show is so insanely good. It’s just plain creepy. It lovingly borrows from Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Poltergeist, The Twilight Zone (it’s basically “Little Girl Lost”), The Goonies, and, as stated, E.T.