
Third Eye Woke.

I absolutely loved that series and I was devastated when I finished it. I tried to ration it out as much as possible but damn it was hard.

I think my favorite thing about it though were some of the biggest sucker punches in the show (for me at least) weren’t so much supernatural related but more about real life. That

I do believe they want Winona back for the sequel season, if Netflix gives it one, so we’ll probably get to see her play Joyce some more! I think it’ll be renewed.

Unbelievable. This casting department did as well, I think, as the one for Game of Thrones, in finding the right child actors. They’re so good and they play off one another so well and so believably.

I love this show! It was so good.

re: Kumail

Agree with all of this. The art of multitasking is conveniently lost on people when you happen to be doing something that they don’t approve of.

i think you are letting your hatred of kanye get in the way of the fact that none of this is north’s doing so she should get to stay out of it

Earlier this year he got into it with Wiz Khalifa and said some seriously nasty shit about his kid.

Even if she did sue, it would still be a Kardashian win. A lawsuit like that could be a whole season’s worth of episodes, if not an entirely new show.

And you just KNOW she’s already had the same ass conversation with TayTay about how much of a skank Kim is and too bad because North is pretty and aren’t mixed kids so pretty and so on, such as...

yes, taylor is on par victimhood-wise with a murder victim. totally

northie’s response:

I don’t care whose side you’re on, dragging a toddler into this fight is disgusting. If you think being an adult means getting back at someone by ‘looking out’ for their kid, then you’re doing it wrong.

Evan Rachel Wood nailed it.

Also I came away from that ending thinking “men are trash men are trash men are trash.”

Ha! I sort of thought the opposite. I thought the first third was the best part/that it had so much potential. The end fell kinda flat to me.

I liked Girl on the Train, I just thought it could’ve used a stricter editor. The last third of the book was great, the first third was just a little slow and muddled. If the screenwriters did indeed tighten the action, I’m damn excited to see the movie.

This is all a publicity stunt and everyone is in on it.