
I don’t think that’s necessarily a Gawker thing. I think it’s a combination of people who hate the “thoughts and prayers” sentiments because they’re pretty much meaningless and people who get pissed at Republican lawmakers sending their “thoughts and prayers” in the wake of tragedies that usually include gun violence

Khloe is definitely a disgusting piece of shit for this. Like fuck her. and good for Chloe for not backing down. Khloe girl, go do something productive with your time.

Lawyer here... yes technically recording someone without their knowledge is against the law but a) it’s only a $2500 fine, I think Kanye and Kim will be happy to pay up if required to, and b) there are a LOT of loopholes involved here... this was a video of him on the phone with her, not a direct recording of a phone


On the episode tonight they discussed that and said it was in NY. They’ve definitely been planning this for a while.

Kim isn’t stupid. She introduced these recordings in her GQ cover one month ago. Since then, gossip items suggest Taylor’s team has worked to keep them private via cease-and-desist letters. That means Kim’s legal team has been involved in the matter.

Basically. Also, how is she gonna spin this? Saying that the word ‘bitch’ was the catalyst isnt enough. She sounds like a Fox News anchor with that BS.

There’s a Hotline Bling joke in there somewhere, and I’m sad that I can’t figure out what it is.

She’s addressing American privilege and foreign policy by throwing BLM under the bus. That’s why people are pissed at her. She didn’t need to mention BLM to make a point about how Americans don’t care about foreign policy but she chose to basically call out the BLM movement as though they are personally responsible

Same. Super over the criticisms of BLM that go “well this other issue is also bad so why doesn’t BLM care about that?!” If there’s something else you think needs attention then get your own movement, bro.

Huh. I always thought Ghostbusters existed because of Dan Ackroyd’s weird ghost fetish (remember that non-sequitir ghost blowjob scene in the original?). Which kind of brings a whole new dimension to the outcry against this remake.

This is not a mistake. She broke the law doing a very nasty cruel thing to a woman at her gym. That’s straight up gross.

Good people don’t make “mistakes” like that. It was very malevoleant, cruel, and intentional.

I hope the woman finds out and sues the ever loving crap out of her.

Law School lesson, when you want to convince someone of a point be careful as to how you sound. Getting angry and pumped up helps to rally people who already agree with you, but tends to alienate persons who do not share your opinions as well as those sitting on the fence. I was always told repeatedly to talk to my

and her regret that “black people have to act belligerent” to be heard.

Now playing

It’s fine. She can’t win either way. If she makes a joke, she’s an old woman who is out of touch, while, hell, Obama and Biden can make dad jokes out the yinyang. If she doesn’t make jokes, she’s a dried up twat who is calculating and evil. Because women and ambition just don’t mix. It just doesn’t matter how she

I’m actually surprised by how much snark she is getting for this. I thought it was super cute. She reminded me of my mom, who happens to be a) a terrible/adorable teller of jokes and b) a total badass you would do well not to cross.

I didn’t think it was possible for Miles Teller to look even more douchey, but he’s accomplished it.

I screamed at that Miles Teller pic