
This isn’t even worth rolling out of bed for, I said this about her back in like 2008 when the country station my boss forced us to listen to kept playing that fucking “Tim Macgraw” song every hour on the hour. Now Swift saying this about Leto would be... Meh... Maybe slightly more interesting? Probably not though.

I’m sorry you’re broken. :(

why do you feel the need to pick sides? they’re both pretty awful people.

“Slam it on” is my favorite cooking term.

chop it up and slam it on?

You're not growing the wheat or the avocados? Poser.

But I do need some avocado toast. Right fucking now. And I don’t have any avocados or bread... let alone a baguette... Avocado on a toasted baguette sounds amazing.

Elle Woods knows nothing.

After careful consideration, and hour long (coughthreesecondscough) deliberation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m all:

It looks even better than I hoped it would....

he’s canadian, but you can have him if you want.

Man, although it’s cool that it was viral, what the fuck. Poor Khloe, I feel so bad for her in general. I can’t imagine what she’s been through.

The only thing I want in my life is for someone to greet me like Leslie Jones greets both of them.

Her smug, “and what?” Look after snatching the wig is the best part.

Every time something goes wrong for him I smile.

Meh, her voice annoyed the crap out of me. I liked the “realness” of Scary’s voice, how you can hear her ridiculous Leeds accent even when she’s singing.