
I kind of liked the captain crunch but I was a bit disappointed with how much the PB&J melted because of the heat. Made it less enjoyable

Off topic:

Agghh representin’ my home town! Captain Crunch or Sumo all the way.


It’s opening up next to Wahlburgers, isn’t it?

Is that something we should worry about? I literally put EVERYTHING into my search history. Like “how long would it take for someone to die if you cut their hands and feet off” but like...I just started watching “slasher” and was CURIOUS-how much cocaine can you do and breastfeed seems like a totally normal thing to

Not something I’m putting into my google search history.

I know I’m gonna catch hell for this but I’m just so sick of Taylor Swift. Like, Kardashian-level exhaustion.

My mom used to carry her own mini maracas in her purse because she never knew when she would need them. (She needed them often.)

who are these women who can go a whole week and save their blowout? do they not workout? if they workout, do they not sweat? do they not sleep wrong and wake up with the cowlick? how do they go outside in the summer and not turn into a damp rag?

His expression is one of such, ahem, otter delight.

All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.

It’s the fact that everything in her life seems to be perfectly manufactured and she always seems to place herself as the victim, that’s what bothers me.

This method keeps it moist because it steams from the inside. Also, I certain beers show up, flavorwise, more than others. I’d pick one with a lot of flavor, rather than something like a lager.

I agree with you, but apparently that makes us prudes or something. Does she look hot? Absolutely.

Questioning the appropriateness of Ariel’s dress has nothing to do with body shaming. It IS a hot, awesome dress on her but maybe not for a family celebration of your high school graduation...

Ben is a twat, this is true. But Matt looked like a fool after trying to shut down Effie Brown’s concerns about diversity. Neither of them are prizes in my book.

Don’t get me wrong, I worship Britney. But in the Britney/Christina/Mandy teen phenomenon conversation, Mandy played the long game and might have won. Not money and fame like the other two, but she wins at life, in my opinion. I adore her.

Whippits are still very popular at rave campouts and festivals. The sound of the whoosh from charging the cracker and the clinking of dozens of used whippits is part of the environment at the campgrounds. ;-)

“Practical uses for whippits beyond just getting giddy from inhaling....”